Mgr. Lucia Bizovská, Ph.D.
FTK NB budova center - CKV
Pracovní zařazení:
věd. prac.(VV) ob. pedagogických
Konzultační hodiny:
Nepravidelné | Místnost: | Poznámka: | |
– | 2.13 | po předchozí emailové domluvě |
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Gonosová Z., Linduška P., Kováčiková Z., Vuillerme N.
Effect of aging on the association between ankle muscle strength and the control of bipedal stance.
PLoS One.
Janura M., Procházková M., Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Jandová S., Konečný P.
Standing balance of professional ballet dancers and non-dancers under different conditions.
PLoS One.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Vuillerme N., Janura M.
Multiscale and Shannon entropies during gait as fall risk predictors - A prospective study.
Gait & Posture.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Janura M., Kuboňová E., Janurová K., Vuillerme N.
Variability of spatial temporal gait parameters and center of pressure displacements during gait in elderly fallers and nonfallers: A 6-month prospective study.
PLoS One.
Bizovská L., Janura M., Míková M., Svoboda Z.
Rovnováha a možnosti jejího hodnocení.
Valtr L., Bizovská L., Abdollahipour R., Jelsma D., Wilson P., Smits-Engelsman B.
Anticipatory postural adjustment deficits in children with developmental coordination disorder during a self-induced prehension task while standing on one leg.
Scientific Reports.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Steenbergen B., Wilson P.
Motor-cognitive coupling is impaired in children with mild or severe forms of developmental coordination disorder.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Neťuková S., Bizovská L., Krupička R., Szabó Z.
The relationship between the local dynamic stability of gait to cognitive and physical performance in older adults: A scoping review.
Nohelová D., Bizovská L., Janura M., Svoboda Z.
Biomechanický pohled na riziko pádu seniorů.
Rehabilitace a Fyzikalni Lekarstvi.
Abdollahipour R., Land WM., Bizovská L., Klein T., Valtr L., Janura M.
Steady, aim, fire! Optimized instructions enhance performance and reduce intra-trial variability in a shooting task.
Journal of Human Kinetics.
Špringrová Palaščáková I., Mrázová M., Dupalová D., Bizovská L., Firýtová R.
Vliv biofeedbacku na aktivaci svalů pánevního dna.
Rehabilitace a Fyzikalni Lekarstvi.
Nohelová D., Bizovská L., Vuillerme N., Svoboda Z.
Article gait variability and complexity during single and dual-task walking on different surfaces in outdoor environment.
Bizovská L., Nohelová D., Janura M.
Inerciálne senzory a ich využitie v klinickej praxi.
Rehabilitace a Fyzikalni Lekarstvi.
Bednáříková H., Bizovská L., Doležalová M., Nováková K., Janura M.
Možnost využití hipoterapie ve fyzioterapii a ergoterapii u dětí se spastickou formou dětské mozkové obrny – pilotní studie.
Hirjaková Z., Bizovská L., Bzdúšková D., Hlavačka F., Janura M.
Postural stability after treadmill and overground walking in young and elderly.
Bizovská L., Vagaja M., Mihálová D., Janura M.
Saccadic eye movements and their influence on kinematics of several body segments in elderly while standing.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics.
Vagaja M., Bizovská L.
The influence of saccadic eye movements on postural stability during standing on an unstable platform.
Acta Gymnica.
Vagaja M., Bizovská L., Janura M., Vařeka I.
Využití pokročilých technologií pro sledování pohybu očí a směru pohledu v rehabilitaci.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Janura M., Bisi MC., Vuillerme N.
Local dynamic stability during gait for predicting falls in elderly people: A one-year prospective study.
PLoS One.
Gonosová Z., Šťastný P., Bělka J., Bizovská L., Lehnert M.
Muscle strength variations of knee joint muscles in elite female handball players after pre-season conditioning.
Journal of Human Kinetics.
Gonosová Z., Linduška P., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z.
Reliability of ankle–foot complex isokinetic strength assessment using the Isomed 2000 dynamometer.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Kuboňová E., Vuillerme N., Hirjaková Z., Janura M.
The differences between overground and treadmill walking in nonlinear, entropy-based and frequency variables derived from accelerometers in young and older women – preliminary report.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics.
Kováčiková Z., Neumannová K., Rydlová J., Bizovská L., Janura M.
The effect of balance training intervention on postural stability in children with asthma.
Journal of Asthma.
Pšurný M., Svoboda Z., Janura M., Kuboňová E., Bizovská L., Martinez Lemos RI., Abrantes J.
The effects of Nordic walking and slope of the ground on lower limb muscle activity.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Černý M., Zemková E.
Assessment of postural stability in stable and unstable conditions.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics.
Ondra L., Nátěsta P., Bizovská L., Kuboňová E., Svoboda Z.
Effect of in-season neuromuscular and proprioceptive training on postural stability in male youth basketball players.
Acta Gymnica.
Bizovská L., Janura M., Svoboda Z., Černý M., Krohová J., Šmondrk M.
Intra- and inter-session reliability of traditional and entropy-based variables describing stance on a wobble board.
Medical Engineering and Physics.
Neumannová K., Svoboda Z., Zatloukal J., Sedlák V., Plutinský M., Bizovská L., Janura M., Koblížek V.
Poruchy rovnováhy u nemocných s chronickou obstrukční plicní nemocí.
Studia pneumologica et phthiseologica.
de Souza E., Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Lehnert M.
Relation between knee extensors’ strength, postural stability and variability of centre of pressure displacement during gait in adult women.
Acta Gymnica.
Hodonská J., Neumannová K., Svoboda Z., Sedlák V., Zatloukal J., Plutinský M., Koblílžek V., Bizovská L.
Incremental shuttle walk test as an indicator of decreased exercise tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Acta Gymnica.
Kováčiková Z., Neumannová K., Bizovská L., Rydlová J., Siska M., Janura M.
Postural stability in school-age children with mild bronchial asthma disease (a pilot study).
Journal of Asthma.
Bednáříková H., Janura M., Bizovská L.
Využití akcelerometrů v hodnocení vlivu hipoterapie na provedení pohybu u dětí se spastickou formou dětské mozkové obrny – pilotní studie.
Rehabilitace a fyzikální lékařství.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Kováčiková Z., Kutílek P., Cuberek R., Janura M.
Effect of lower limb preference on variability of centre of pressure movement during gait.
Acta Gymnica.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
Reliabilita meraní zaťaženia nohy pri chôdzi.
Lékař a technika.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
The possibilities for dynamic stability assessment during gait: A review of the literature.
Journal of Physical Education and Sport.
Kutílek P., Socha V., Čakrt O., Schlenker J., Bizovská L.
Trajectory length of pitch vs. roll: Technique for assessment of postural stability.
Acta Gymnica.
Kováčiková Z., Svoboda Z., Neumannová K., Bizovská L., Cuberek R., Janura M.
Assessment of postural stability in overweight and obese middle-aged women.
Acta Gymnica.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Kutílek P., Janura M., Gába A., Kováčiková Z.
Variability of centre of pressure movement during gait in young and middle-aged women.
Gait & Posture.
Hourová M., Kutílek P., Hejda J., Vítečková S., Janura M., Bizovská L., Hamříková M., Volf P., Svoboda Z.
Evaluation of postural stability differences in the elderly through recurrent analysis.
In Blobel B., Lhotská L., Pharow P., Sousa F. (Eds.)
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Možnosti hodnocení dynamické rovnováhy při chůzi.
In Cepková A., Horvát M. (Eds.)
19. medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „Od výskumu k praxi“: Zborník z konferencie.
Valtr L., Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T., Banátová K., Abdollahipour R., Wilson P.
Obstacle crossing during various dual task conditions in children with developmental coordination disorder and typically developing children.
DCD15-IMDRC6: Abstract Book.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Steenbergen B., Wilson P.
Persistence of motor-cognitive inhibition deficits in children with developmental coordination disorder with age: A longitudinal perspective.
DCD15-IMDRC6: Abstract Book.
Valtr L., Bizovská L., Abdollahipour R., Jelsma D., Smits-Engelsman B.
Postural control while stooping down to pick up an object in unilateral stance in children with developmental coordination disorder.
DCD15-IMDRC6: Abstract Book.
Pavlasová K., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Vliv směřování pohledu na posturální stabilizaci při doskoku u sportovních gymnastek.
6th International Conference on Movement Analysis: Book of Abstracts.
Janura M., Pavlasová K., Gonosová Z., Farana R., Bizovská L.
Vplyv svalovej sily dolných končatín na variabilitu pohybu trupu počas doskoku u športových gymnastiek.
6th International Conference on Movement Analysis: Book of Abstracts.
Bizovská L., Junková L., Valtr L., Janura M.
Vplyv typu motorickej úlohy na anticipačné posturálne nastavenie.
6th International Conference on Movement Analysis: Book of Abstracts.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH., Kimijanová J., Hlavačka F.
Effect of cognitive task on complexity of walking in typically developing children and children with developmental coordination disorder.
The 9th International Posture Symposium: Abstracts.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Wilson P.
Motor inhibition is impaired in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), regardless of their severity.
Janura M., Nohelová D., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z.
Non-linear approach for assessment of gait and stance in elderly individuals – A 5-year follow-up study.
In Kimijanová J., Hlavačka F. (Eds.)
The 9th International Posture Symposium: Abstracts.
Bizovská L., Nohelová D., Svoboda Z.
Porovnanie charakteristík chôdze seniorov v laboratóriu a počas bežných denných aktivít.
In Kubášová K., Kratochvíl A., Mendová K., Garanová Krišťáková J. (Eds.)
Human Biomechanics 2023 - Sborník.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH.
Postural control after obstacle crossing during dual task conditions in children with developmental coordination disorder.
In Kimijanová J., Hlavačka F. (Eds.)
The 9th International Posture Symposium: Abstracts.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T.
The effect of cognitive task on gait speed in children with developmental coordination disorder and typically developing children.
Svobodová A., Bartošková E., Bizovská L., Hálek J., Můčková A., Slováková J., Svoboda Z.
Variabilita spontánní pohybové aktivity u novorozenců s různým gestačním věkem při narození.
Objektivní hodnocení posturálního chování novorozenců.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Is there difference between dominant and nondominant limbs in local dynamic stability during gait?
In Heidler J. (Eds.)
2nd International Conference of Sport, Health and Physical Education: Book of Abstracts.
Nohelová D., Bizovská L., Vuillerme N., Svoboda Z.
Variability and complexity of gait in various outdoor conditions.
In Heidler J. (Eds.)
2nd International Conference of Sport, Health and Physical Education: Book of Abstracts.
Hourová M., Kutílek P., Vítečková S., Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Hamříková M.
Evaluation of postural stability in the elderly by non-linear methods: Preliminary results.
In Kutílek P., Volf P. (Eds.)
Book of abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Movement Analysis.
Bizovská L., Gonosová Z., Kováčiková Z., Linduška P., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
Relationship between muscle strength of the lower limbs and local dynamic stability during gait.
In Kutílek P., Volf P. (Eds.)
Book of abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Movement Analysis.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Neumannová K., Hamříková M., Janura M.
The influence of balance training on postural control in elderly: Randomized control trial.
In Kutílek P., Wolf P. (Eds.)
Book of abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Movement Analysis.
Bizovská L., Gonosová Z., Kováčiková Z., Linduška P., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
Gait variability and symmetry and its relationship to the lower limb muscle strength.
In Hlavačka F., Kimijanová J. (Eds.)
Abstracts of the 8th International Posture Symposium.
Bizovská L., Gonosová Z., Svoboda Z., Linduška P., Janura M.
P 002 – Ankle muscle strength and its relationship to the lower trunk movement during running.
Svoboda Z., Vagaja M., Bizovská L., Klostermann A., Janura M.
P 050 – The effect of eye movement on postural control in unstable conditions.
Kutílek P., Vítečková S., D'Angeles AC., Kutílková E., Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Hamříková M.
P 170 – Differences in postural stability in the elderly: Not all tests measure the same.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Relationship between local dynamic stability and fall occurrence: comparison of prospective and retrospective approach.
In Hlavačka F., Kimijanová J. (Eds.)
Abstracts of the 8th International Posture Symposium.
Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z.
Postural control during single leg stance in slackliners and controls.
Gait & Posture.
Svoboda Z., Hamříková M., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Postural stability does not distinguish between active elderly fallers and nonfallers.
Gait & Posture.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Bisi MC., Stagni R., Janura M.
Stability assessment during running in nonprofessional runners – evaluation of the intrasession reliability.
Gait & Posture.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Vuillerme N., Janura M.
Entropy-based measures for fall risk prediction.
Gait & Posture.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Kuboňová E., Janura M.
Local dynamic stability during overground walking as a fall risk predictor in elderly – a prospective study.
International Scientific Conference MOTOR CONTROL 2016: Book of Abstracts.
Svoboda Z., Janura M., Bizovská L., Kuboňová E., Vuillerme N.
Variability of centre of pressure displacements during gait in fallers and non-fallers: A 6-month prospective study.
Gait & Posture.
Janura M., Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Kuboňová E., Vuillerme N.
Variability of spatial temporal gait parameters during gait in fallers and non-fallers: A 6-month prospective study.
Gait & Posture.
Svoboda Z., Janura M., Bizovská L., Kuboňová E., Hamříková M.
Assessment of gait performance variability as potential indicator of fall risk: Study design.
Gait & Posture.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Janura M., Hirjaková Z.
Differences between overground and treadmill walking in dynamic stability assessment using frequency and nonlinear analysis – pilot study.
In Horák Z., Daniel M., Ježek K. (Eds.)
21st Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics: Book of Extended Abstracts.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Hirjaková Z., Janura M.
Dynamic stability assessment during overground and treadmill walking.
In Hlavačka F., Lobotková J. (Eds.)
Abstracts of the 7th International Posture Symposium.
Kováčiková Z., Neumannová K., Bizovská L., Rydlová J., Janura M.
Postural stability in school-age children with mild bronchial asthma disease (a pilot study).
American Thoracic Society International Conference Abstracts: B55. Exercise testing and symptom evaluation in chronic respiratory disease.
Valtr L., Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T., Banátová K., Abdollahipour R., Wilson P.
Obstacle crossing during various dual task conditions in children with developmental coordination disorder and typically developing children.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Steenbergen B., Wilson P.
Persistence of motor-cognitive inhibition deficits in children with developmental coordination disorder with age: A longitudinal perspective.
Valtr L., Bizovská L., Abdollahipour R., Jelsma D., Smits-Engelsman B.
Postural control while stooping down to pick up an object in unilateral stance in children with developmental coordination disorder.
Pavlasová K., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Vliv směřování pohledu na posturální stabilizaci při doskoku u sportovních gymnastek.
Janura M., Pavlasová K., Gonosová Z., Farana R., Bizovská L.
Vplyv svalovej sily dolných končatín na variabilitu pohybu trupu počas doskoku u športových gymnastiek.
Bizovská L., Junková L., Valtr L., Janura M.
Vplyv typu motorickej úlohy na anticipačné posturálne nastavenie.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH.
Effect of cognitive task on complexity of walking in typically developing children and children with developmental coordination disorder.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Wilson P.
Motor inhibition is impaired in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), regardless of their severity.
Janura M., Nohelová D., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z.
Non-linear approach for assessment of gait and stance in elderly individuals – A 5-year follow-up study.
Bizovská L., Nohelová D., Svoboda Z.
Porovnanie charakteristík chôdze seniorov v laboratóriu a počas bežných denných aktivít.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH.
Postural control after obstacle crossing during dual task conditions in children with developmental coordination disorder.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
Posturálná kontrola počas stoja pri súčasnom vykonávání manuálnej úlohy.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
Vplyv mentálnej únavy na posturálnu stabilitu postoja.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Wilson PH.
Can the use of attentional-focus instructions promote motor learning in children with DCD?
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T.
The effect of cognitive task on gait speed in children with developmental coordination disorder and typically developing children.
Svobodová A., Bartošková E., Bizovská L., Hálek J., Můčková A., Slováková J., Svoboda Z.
Variabilita spontánní pohybové aktivity u novorozenců s různým gestačním věkem při narození.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Is there difference between dominant and nondominant limbs in local dynamic stability during gait?
Janura M., Bizovská L.
Možnosti využití inerciálních senzorů v klinické praxi.
Nohelová D., Bizovská L., Vuillerme N., Svoboda Z.
Variability and complexity of gait in various outdoor conditions.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L.
Analysis of trunk acceleration during running.
Hourová M., Kutílek P., Vítečková S., Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Hamříková M.
Evaluation of postural stability in the elderly by non-linear methods: Preliminary results.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
Gait assessment in elderly using inertial sensors.
Bizovská L., Gonosová Z., Kováčiková Z., Linduška P., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
Relationship between muscle strength of the lower limbs and local dynamic stability during gait.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Gonosová Z., Linduška P., Kováčiková Z., Vuillerme N.
Relationship between postural stability and the strength of ankle invertors and evertors – the effect of age.
Kováčiková Z., Zemková E., Bizovská L., Gonosová Z., Linduška P.
The effect of age on the association between stair descent balance control and lower limb muscle strength.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Neumannová K., Hamříková M., Janura M.
The effect of balance training is associated rather with increased automaticity than reduced postural sway during stance.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Neumannová K., Hamříková M., Janura M.
The influence of balance training on postural control in elderly: Randomized control trial.
Bizovská L., Gonosová Z., Svoboda Z., Linduška P., Janura M.
Ankle muscle strength and its relationship to the lower trunk movement during running.
Kutílek P., Vítečková S., D'Angeles AC., Kutílková E., Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Hamříková M.
Differences in postural stability in the elderly: Not all tests measure the same.
Bizovská L., Gonosová Z., Kováčiková Z., Linduška P., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
Gait variability and symmetry and its relationship to the lower limb muscle strength.
Gonosová Z., Bizovská L., Linduška P., Riedel V., Matová A.
Isokinetic strength of the shoulder rotators in healthy athletes.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Relationship between local dynamic stability and fall occurrence: comparison of prospective and retrospective approach.
Svoboda Z., Vagaja M., Bizovská L., Klostermann A., Janura M.
The effect of eye movement on postural control in unstable conditions.
Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z.
Postural control during single leg stance in slackliners and controls.
Svoboda Z., Hamříková M., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Postural stability does not distinguish between active elderly fallers and nonfallers.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Janura M.
Predikcia pádov u seniorov - využitie akcelerometrov pri analýze chôdze.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Bisi MC., Stagni R., Janura M.
Stability assessment during running in nonprofessional runners – evaluation of the intrasession reliability.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Vuillerme N., Janura M.
Entropy-based measures for fall risk prediction.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Kuboňová E., Janura M.
Local dynamic stability during overground walking as a fall risk predictor in elderly – a prospective study.
Svoboda Z., Janura M., Bizovská L., Kuboňová E., Vuillerme N.
Variability of centre of pressure displacements during gait in fallers and non-fallers: A 6-month prospective study.
Janura M., Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Kuboňová E., Vuillerme N.
Variability of spatial temporal gait parameters during gait in fallers and non-fallers: A 6-month prospective study.
Janura M., Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Kuboňová E.
Variability of spatial temporal gait parameters during gait in fallers and non-fallers: A 6-month prospective study.
Svoboda Z., Janura M., Bizovská L., Kuboňová E., Hamříková M.
Assessment of gait performance variability as potential indicator of fall risk: Study design.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Janura M., Hirjaková Z.
Differences between overground and treadmill walking in dynamic stability assessment using frequency and nonlinear analysis – pilot study.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Hirjaková Z., Janura M.
Dynamic stability assessment during overground and treadmill walking.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Janura M.
Možnosti hodnocení dynamické rovnováhy při chůzi.
Kováčiková Z., Neumannová K., Bizovská L., Rydlová J., Janura M.
Postural stability in school-age children with mild bronchial asthma disease (a pilot study).
Svoboda Z., Klein T., Bizovská L., Janura M.
V. mezinárodní konference Analýza pohybu v Česku a na Slovensku.
Svoboda Z., Janura M., Bizovská L.
II. mezinárodní konference Analýza pohybu v Česku a na Slovensku.
Svoboda Z., Janura M., Bizovská L., Klein T.
5. konference ISPO ČR.
Bizovská L., Janura M., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Biomechanika běhu.
Bizovská L., Janura M., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Biomechanika chůze.
Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Biomechanika odrazu.
Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Hodnocení posturální stability.
Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Metody pro určení výšky vertikálního skoku.
Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Posturální stabilita.
Bizovská L., Janura M., Urbaczka J., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Biomechanika běhu.
Svoboda Z., Janura M., Bizovská L., Klein T.
Biomechanika hodů a vrhů.
Bizovská L., Janura M., Nohelová D., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Biomechanika chůze.
Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Biomechanika odrazu.
Janura M., Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T.
Posturální stabilita.
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