Researchers´ Night in BALUO offered plenty of sports, body composition as well as barefoot walking

Photo: Martin Višňa
Pondělí 23. říjen 2017, 13:16 – Text: Martin Višňa, Tereza Kučerová

Once again after a year, all the lights in BALUO Application Centre of the Faculty of Physical Culture remained on long into the night, as hundreds of visitors were heading to the Centre to participate in the popularizing event called Researchers´ Night. This year´s programme offered some old and tested attractions as well as some new ones, such as selected physiotherapy techniques or measurements of explosive force of the lower limbs when jumping.

It might come as no surprise that the main theme of the Night was sport: using a variety of tools, working out on smart exercise machines, wall climbing; even a new table tennis room has been opened. Visitors could also try walking on a short barefoot path with the slogan "walking barefoot is not rocket science", prepared by the students of recreology who used crates filled with different materials that proved to be very popular with children.

The barefoot path, however, was not the only attraction in demand as visitors clearly also enjoyed balancing with penguins or the eternal evergreen of science-popularizing events at the Faculty of Physical Culture - body composition measurement. In fact, there was a long queue which started to form right after the beginning of the Night, and before the clock struck midnight, one hundred and thirty visitors were measured. There were also Olomouc cycling projects Ride2sCool and UP Bike and it wouldn´t be a proper sports event without the Joy of Movement project with their pedometers and plenty of photos of the activities they offer, such as waking trips or running workouts (Jogito ergo sum).

Only during the first three hours, there were some four hundred people visiting the BALUO Application Centre and the final number of visitors is estimated to be somewhere around six hundred.


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