Palacký University will offer a day full of sports

Photo: Žurnál UP archive
Pátek 4. květen 2018, 11:42 – Text: Martin Višňa, Tereza Kučerová

The Palacký University students and staff can choose from a varied range of physical activities during the Sports Day, which will be organized by the Academic Sport Centre on Wednesday, 9 May. For most of the activities it is not necessary to sign up and they are free of charge for anyone. The Sports Day also brings another day off for both students and staff of the UP.

The programme includes more than thirty items. "We are planning a scooter trip to Lovecká chata, zumba party at the UP Sports Hall or some archery, among other things. This year will also introduce the opportunity to try squash or circular training at an Academic Fitness gym," the organizers said.

During the morning, those interested will be able to work out in the modern fitness at the AC BALUO without any charge, or participate in a run through the Olomouc parks during the Jiří Hronka Memorial. And there will be something for everyone as sports lovers from outside our university can take part in a half-day hiking trip around Rampach Hill near Litovel or in the evening run Jogito ergo sum at the athletic stadium.

Traditionally, an afternoon programme is also available at the UP Sports Hall, which might attract the children of our employees as well as fans of games such as discogolf, ringo or mölki. There will also be refreshments, live music, and participants will be receiving coupons for the individual activities, which will be later drawn.

For a complete overview of all activities offered and information on their potential capacities or bookings, see the Academic Sports Centre website.

It should be mentioned that the Sports Day will not be the only opportunity to get moving, as a variety of outdoor activities will also be included in the Majáles (Olomouc Student May Festival) programme, which is also held on Wednesday 9 May. Those interested will be able to try activities such as quidditch or bumperbally. In the morning, the APA Centre of the Faculty of Physical Culture will be organizing a sports programme for people with disabilities. More information about the activities offered is available on the website of the event.


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