Internationalization during another International Teaching Week

Photo: Martin Višňa
Pondělí 19. listopad 2018, 12:59 – Text: Martin Višňa, Tereza Kučerová

From 5th until 9th November, our faculty was hosting the 13th International Teaching Week. Students and academic staff could meet ten teachers from seven countries, including the US, China, Colombia, Iran or Brazil, over the past week.

Apart from the theoretical lectures, there were also practical classes such as tai chi and kung-fu. In fact, according to Tereza Kučerová from the International Relations Office, it was Chinese kung-fu guns, that inspired most enthusiasm among students.

Laura Victoria Rivera Amézquita from Del Rosario University in Colombia also made her audience move. Besides giving classes, Laura also met with the staff of the department of Physiotherapy to discuss potential cooperation between her university and Palacký University Olomouc.

After classes and meetings, there was also time for some leisure activities and the guest teachers enjoyed a guided walking tour around Olomouc, they tasted local beer, first Christmas punches as well as Olomouc smelly cheese and visited the Moravian Theatre for a ballet performance of The Taming of the Shrew. You can find an overview of the teachers, their topics and ITW photos here.


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