Department of APA sharing their expertise in Montenegro

Picture: Department of APA
Pondělí 18. prosinec 2023, 11:00 – Text: International office

In May 2023, within our partnership with University of Montenegro (UoM), six academic members of the Department of Adapted Physical Activity (APA), Faculty of Physical Culture PU, have travelled to Montenegro with aim to share their knowledge and experience from the field of adapted physical activity with local students and teachers.

This journey to Balkan involved several teaching sessions, practical workshops, and practice supervision including providing feedback and offering a new perspective on working with persons with disabilities in the area of sport. Besides that, our employees participated in a number of meetings with advisory workers, non-academic staff, and in panel discussion with the management representatives of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education UoM, which strives to educate future coaches, PE teachers, and sports journalists, among others.

We are very proud our colleagues from the Department of APA do not hesitate to share their expertise beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. And since a picture is often worth a thousand words, do not forget to take a look at the video capturing their Balkan experience.


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