Christmas punches with the Faculty of Physical Culture

Photos: Martin Višňa
Čtvrtek 7. prosinec 2017, 15:56 – Text: Martin Višňa, Tereza Kučerová

A fantastic 92,727 crowns. This is the profit from selling the Christmas punch to support Olomouc Early Care Centre, a traditional event organized by the Faculty of Physical Culture. Both the students and the staff of the faculty, together with their friends, once again literally took over the evening festivities at the Christmas market on the Upper Square.

People from the faculty had been on the square since the morning hours, when members of APA Centre prepared activities for the elderly, and after lunch, they focused on families with children. Those interested could play some games or sing with a guitar. As the evening slowly approached, the crowd at the stand began to increase and it soon proved to be the largest gathering on the square. The ever-present good mood and pre-Christmas atmosphere were guaranteed owing the Olomouc trumpeters singing carols, the staff as well as the students from the Department of Adapted Physical Activities who were joined by their colleagues from the faculty, including the management, together serving the drinks.

The punches were so popular and leaving the stand so quickly that at times, they even failed to reach the required temperature. As a result, the profit from the sale of the hot beverage eventually exceeded last year's earnings by more than eleven thousand. 

The profit will be donated to Olomouc Early Care Centre, which helps families of children with visual and combined disabilities.


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