Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities Competed in Olomouc

Photogallery: Martin Višňa
Pondělí 12. červen 2017, 13:54 – Text: tk

"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt." After a year, the Special Olympics athlete's oath could be heard at the Olomouc athletic stadium during the Special Olympics Regional Games and the 3rd National Tournament of Boccia, organized by Dr. Julie Wittmannová and students of the Department of Adapted Physical Activity of the Faculty of Physical Culture.

“In two days, 150 athletes from twenty sports clubs across the country compared their sports performance. Apart from the tournament of boccia – a ball sport similar to pétanque – there was a gymnastics workshop and athletes could participate in a number of adapted sports. The athletes were also cheered by sixty children from the Svatoplukova primary and nursery school who also tried some of the disciplines themselves and with a little help of fairy tales as well as physical activities, they became familiar with the concept of disability,” Wittmannová said.

As the Games main organizer, she was satisfied with the course of the event and she was not even concerned about the rain, which arrived just in time for the medal ceremony. “After two days in the sun, I have arranged a shower so that we can freshen up a bit,” Wittmannová laughed when the second rain came to drench the medallists. 


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