19th International Teaching Week – coming soon!

Pondělí 28. březen 2022, 17:00 – Text: International office

We are excited to announce that the 19th International Teaching Week (ITW) will be held at the Faculty of Physical Culture from 4th to 8th April 2022.

Once again, the current situation in Europe is showing us how important international cooperation and mutual understanding can be. Therefore, we are honoured to bring together guest speakers from several different countries such as Poland, the UK, Ireland, Israel, the USA, Philippines, Slovenia or Spain. Both academics and students will have a chance to broaden their horizons with new ways of teaching and thinking during a week full of great lectures and workshops.

There is a lot to be looking forward to! Our international guests will share their experience with physical literacy, Paralympics, physical activity and public health, neuroscience, core conditioning or the concept of mindfulness as a way to change your life. That is not all, of course! You can find more interesting topics in the 19th ITW programme so make sure to check it out and come to join us in April.


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