Mgr. Ludvík Valtr, Ph.D.

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Kontaktní údaje


Katedra přírodních věd v kinantropologii

Fakulta tělesné kultury

FTK NB budova center - CKV

NB 2.15

odborný asistent

Funkce a členství v akademických a dalších orgánech UP i mimo ni:

  • Člen AS fakulty (27. 4. 2017 – )
Steenbergen B., Valtr L., Dunford C., Prunty M., Bekhuis H., Temlali TY., van Abswoude F., Lust JM., Warlop G., Augustijn M., Smits-Engelsman BC., Wilson P. Awareness about developmental coordination disorder. Frontiers in Public Health. 2024.
Laroëre BM., Land WM., Valtr L., Banátová K., Mudrák K., Abdollahipour R. The effects of attentional focus instructions on the performance of a persistent form-based skill in gymnastics. Kinesiology. 2024.
Smits-Engelsman B., Denysschen M., Lust J., Coetzee D., Valtr L., Schoemaker M., Verbecque E. Which outcomes are key to the pre-intervention assessment profile of a child with developmental coordination disorder? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Biomedical Journal. 2024.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Steenbergen B., Wilson P. Motor-cognitive coupling is impaired in children with mild or severe forms of developmental coordination disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2023.
Psotta R., Valtr L., Dostál D. The effects of quiet eye training on attention in children with ADHD. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2023.
Banátová K., Valtr L., Cuberek R. Cultural adaptation of the MABC-2 Checklist as a screening tool for Developmental Coordination Disorder in schools. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN HEALTH CARE. 2022.
Abdollahipour R., Land WM., Valtr L., Banátová K., Janura M. External focus facilitates cognitive stability and promotes motor performance of an interceptive task in children. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2022.
Abdollahipour R., Land WM., Bizovská L., Klein T., Valtr L., Janura M. Steady, aim, fire! Optimized instructions enhance performance and reduce intra-trial variability in a shooting task. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2022.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Wulf G. Optimizing bowling performance. Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 2020.
Banátová K., Valtr L., Psotta R. Stanovení psychometrických vlastností Inventáře MABC-2. Diskuze v psychologii. 2020.
Palomo Nieto M., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Agricola A., Psotta R. The role of vision in walking patterns in children with different levels of motor coordination. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte. 2018.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Agricola A., Valtr L. Vliv zraku na chůzi u dětí s odlišnou úrovní motoriky. Tělesná kultura. 2016.
Agricola A., Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Valtr L. Vzťah medzi rovnováhou a chôdzou u detí s rizikom vývojovej poruchy koordinácie a ich bežnými rovesníkmi. Tělesná kultura. 2016.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Agricola A., Abdollahipour R., Valtr L. The effects of various visual conditions on the gait cycle in children with different level of motor coordination – a pilot study. RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte. 2015.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH., Kimijanová J., Hlavačka F. Effect of cognitive task on complexity of walking in typically developing children and children with developmental coordination disorder. The 9th International Posture Symposium: Abstracts. 2023.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Wilson P. Motor inhibition is impaired in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), regardless of their severity. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. 2023.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH. Postural control after obstacle crossing during dual task conditions in children with developmental coordination disorder. In Kimijanová J., Hlavačka F. (Eds.) The 9th International Posture Symposium: Abstracts. 2023.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Chua L., Wulf G. Optimizing bowling performance. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. 2019.
Abdollahipour R., Psotta R., Wulf G., Agricola A., Valtr L. Influence of internal versus external focus of attention on catching in children. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 2015.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Agricola A., Valtr L. Visual contribution to walking: How is it in children with a risk of developmental coordination disorder? Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 2015.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Valtr L. The effects of various visual conditions on the gait cycle in children with different level of motor coordination – a pilot study. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica. 2013.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH. Effect of cognitive task on complexity of walking in typically developing children and children with developmental coordination disorder. 2023.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Wilson P. Motor inhibition is impaired in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), regardless of their severity. 2023.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH. Postural control after obstacle crossing during dual task conditions in children with developmental coordination disorder. 2023.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Wilson PH. Can the use of attentional-focus instructions promote motor learning in children with DCD? 2022.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Chua L., Wulf G. Optimizing bowling performance. 2019.
Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Wulf G., Agricola A., Valtr L. Influence of internal versus external focus of attention on catching in children. 2015.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Agricola A., Valtr L. Visual contribution to walking: How is it in children with a risk of developmental coordination disorder? 2015.
Aktuálně vyučované předměty
název předmětu katedra/zkratka semestr typ hodin
Antropomotorika KPK/ANTR ZS Se 4
Antropomotorika KPK/ANTR ZS 2
Antropomotorika KPK/ANTR LS 2
Antropomotorika KPK/ANTR LS Se 6
Antropomotorika 2 KPK/ANT2 ZS 1
Antropomotorika 2 KPK/ANT2 ZS Se 1
Antropomotorika KPK/ATPF ZS 2
Antropomotorika 2 KPK/KANT2 ZS Se 2
Antropomotorika 2 KPK/KANT2 ZS 3
Motorika ve sportu KPK/KMSP ZS Se 3
Motorika ve sportu KPK/KMSP ZS 2
Motorika a pohyb. učení KPK/MOPU LS 0
Motorika ve sportu KPK/MSP ZS 2

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