Reza Abdollahipour: Palacký University was a happy choice

Photo: Gabriela Knýblová
Čtvrtek 1. únor 2018, 10:13 – Text: (vim)

After living four years in Olomouc I feel this city is my second home town now. I have found many nice friends from different countries and continents. Olomouc has a unique atmosphere for the students who want to grow up in an international environment. There are many international cultural events for students during the year that help them to increase their knowledge and share their experiences together. Czechia is rich in terms of culture, history and science. I have visited many cities and historical sites and obtained much information about the beautiful culture, art, traditions, and history of the Czech lands.

Also, the Faculty of Physical Culture at Palacký University Olomouc has provided me many opportunities during my Ph.D. studies, including the high quality of research, modern analytic devices, and knowledgeable teachers. The university staff is also very nice and friendly, willing to help you at all times. The UP FPC supported my visits to different countries including Germany, Slovakia, Poland, USA, Spain, and Brazil for the purpose of research and attending different international conferences. All these experiences helped me develop my research ideas and will be very useful for my future career. I am happy for my choice, and I am pleased to be a member of Palacký University Olomouc.

Reza Abdollahipour is from Iran. He has been studying at the Faculty of Physical Culture since September 2013 in the doctoral programme at the Department of Kinanthropology. He is focussing on the effect of attentional focus instructions in the process of teaching children with lower levels of motor coordination.



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