Online International Teaching Week 2020 begins today!

Úterý 1. prosinec 2020, 13:52

We are very excited to announce that despite all the obstacles and challenges of this year, the 16th International Teaching Week begins today, this time in an online version on the website of Faculty of Physical Culture.

We would like to invite all students and staff to visit this unique event presenting lectures of amazing specialists from all over the world on our ITW webpage.

So what can you look forward to this year? Our guest speakers from the UK, the USA, Canada, the Republic of South Africa, Spain, Croatia, New Zealand and Israel prepared truly interesting lectures in many different fields including sports psychology, biomechanics, nutrition, physical education and many others. Are you interested in wilderness therapy? Would you like to know more about nutrition, physical activity and sleep during pandemic? Do not hesitate and click on the link above. International Teaching Week presents a great opportunity to broaden your knowledge through the lens of our international guest speakers and it would be a shame to let it be in vain!


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