IRELAND - Unpaid Internship for the students

Pondělí 30. červenec 2018, 8:56 – Text: -tk-

Modern Polyglots Ltd, founded in Ireland, offers the students the possibility to develop their professional careers as interns in the company.

Modern Polyglots was set up in Cork, and as a fast-growing company, it expanded its services to Limerick and Dublin. As a leading translation agency, with more than 24 years of experience, the agency embraces all languages and subject areas offering professional and high-quality services. We offer certified translations and interpreting services, as well as legal advice. This year we will re-open Language school together with our partners in order to give our interns more possibilities to improve their languages skills.

Modern Polyglots is interested in the involvement of young specialists in its business and therefore offers unpaid internships to students, who wish to work in spheres of translations, interpreting, legal advice and web-development or as marketing researchers and accountants to apply and improve their skills.

We are currently looking for interns for the positions of English language teacher, Office Administrator, Web developer, Legal Officer, Market researcher and Accountant, Secretary, Translator/Interpreter, and Business adviser starting immediately or not later than 1st of October 2018 for a period of 6 or 9, or 12 months.

Please note, an exception is done only for the position of ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER, that may start immediately. Students showing high standard of teaching may be invited for part -time and full -time positions in Language school for adults at the end of their Internship not less than 3 months length.

This programme is an opportunity for all people who have a degree and are willing to improve their English, the second-most spoken language in the world. It will also help them to gain better professional skills, as we can offer them to work with us or with another of the best and biggest 100 Irish Companies.

All that the students interested in our internship need to do is:

- Apply to us by sending their CV and a Cover letter to

The candidate may be offered a Skype interview.

You can find the company brochure here

You can contact Mgr. Marie Raková at regarding the Erasmus+ traineeships. 


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