Explore the world with the 21st International Teaching Week. Soon in your classrooms!

Úterý 11. duben 2023, 19:00 – Text: International office

After long winter comes exciting spring full of original ideas, possibilities and new cultural experiences. That also means that the Faculty of Physical Culture is holding its annual event - the 21st International Teaching Week (ITW) from 17th to 21st April 2023.

Last semester, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of this unique event and with the upcoming ITW, we are opening a new decade of vigorous international cooperation, bringing guests from all over the world to broaden horizons of all the students and staff at our faculty.  We are looking forward to welcoming lecturers from Israel, Poland, Finland, Denmark, Romania, Spain, the USA, Germany and Iran.

Make sure you do not miss anything! Our international guests will share their experience with the use of new technologies in PA, resistance training for elderly people, integrating students with disabilities, first aid, handball, electrostimulation and other fascinating topics. You can find all of them in the 21st ITW programme on ITW web page so do not forget to check it out and come to join us next week.


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