ENDURANCE project – Enterpreneurial Capacity-building for Sport

Úterý 14. červen 2022, 9:00 – Text: Oddělení pro zahraniční spolupráci

Are you thinking about a career in sport-related entrepreneurship? Have you ever heard about the ENDURANCE project? If not, you should definitely read on and find out more about the opportunities, which this project has to offer.

ENDURANCE is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission that brings together 8 partners from 7 different countries (Belgium, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland and Slovakia), with the aim of rethinking teaching and learning about entrepreneurship by building on the complementarities and commonalities between sport and entrepreneurship, such as determination, perseverance, self-confidence, stamina, respect of rules, team play.

In the framework of the implementation of ENDURANCE - Entrepreneurial Capacity-building for Sport, the training contents have been developed and we are happy to announce that they are now available in the corresponding section of the website named training. These contents and tools are now available in English, Finnish, Spanish, Italian, Croatian, Bulgarian and Slovak, and are aimed at improving the acquisition of competences and skills linked to sport-related entrepreneurship.

The training consists of 8 training modules structured in different units, on the following subjects:

  • Innovation skills – how to harness innovation in sports to business?
  • The essentials of Project Management for aspiring sport entrepreneur
  • Management and self-leadership
  • Creating and retaining value for customers: a comprehensive introduction to Marketing for aspiring sport entrepreneurs
  • Digital skills
  • Finance and Economics
  • Branding
  • Setting up a business

Each training module includes the developed content, downloadable content in different formats, related training material and a glossary with the most relevant terms of each module.

For more information of the ENDURANCE project and related deliverables, please visit: www.enduranceproject.eu.


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