„Building bridges” with President of Camosun College

Picture: Faculty of Physical Culture
Středa 18. říjen 2023, 11:00 – Text: International Relations Office

At the beginning of October, we had the honour of welcoming guests from our Canadian partner institution Camosun College (CC), President of CC, Dr. Lane Trotter, and an Associate Director of Camosun International Team, Marius Langeland. During the stay at Palacký University Olomouc, they had the opportunity to visit several faculties including Faculty of Education, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science and last but not least Faculty of Physical Culture.

Beside a guided tour of our campus, the Canadian visitors met with the faculty authorities, the International Relations Office and even the students. We had a wonderful opportunity to engage in an inspiring discussion concerning our existing cooperation and ways to strengthen and expand it further, including initiating new projects and finding innovative ways to connect Czech and Canadian students.

As Dr. Trotter said, the main purpose of their visit was to “build bridges” between our institutions and we must conclude that that is also the perfect way to describe the efforts of our faculty this year. After a business trip of our international coordinators to Camosun College, this has been the third visit of CC staff to our faculty this year and we are thrilled to see the mutual passion for finding ways to strengthen the bond between our institutions. During the mutual visits, the representatives of both institutions discussed, among other things, the possibilities of expanding the existing cooperation in the field of adventure education and sports management.

All of these visits represent a very promising further development of our Czech-Canadian cooperation.


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