18th International Teaching Week starts next week!

Pondělí 1. listopad 2021, 12:00 – Text: International office

We are excited to announce that after a long online break, the 18th International Teaching Week will finally take place physically at the Faculty of Physical Culture from 8th to 12th November 2021.

Since travelling from some destinations still might be quite challenging, this semester, we invited experts from several institutions in Europe, foreign academics from Palacký University and a colleague from the Faculty of Science to promote not only international cooperation, but also cooperation of individual faculties.

Those of you who want to become PE teachers should not miss the opportunity to learn more about how to prevent obesity in school settings. Those who want to excel in team sports might find out the secret to success and if you are curious about how the health behaviour of adolescents changed during COVID-19, make sure to check out the 18th ITW programme! There are more interesting topics concerning research methods in sport sciences, factors influencing motor control and learning, sustainable tourism, adapted physical activity, promoting active aging or sport for development.

Eight brilliant guest speakers from seven different countries including Finland, Portugal, Austria, Serbia, South Korea, Iran and Czechia will broaden your horizons with their teaching perspective. Choose your favourite lectures and join us during 18th International Teaching Week. We can’t wait to see you there!


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