PhDr. Arnošt Svoboda, Ph.D.

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Katedra společen. věd v kinantropologii

Fakulta tělesné kultury

FTK NC budova pedagogů


odborný asistent

Office Hours:
Regular Room number: Comment:
Wednesday 09:00–10:00 NC 4.29

Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:

  • International Sociology of Sport Association (člen, 2021–)
Moustakas L., Carney S., Fischer SJ., Richardson A., Petry K., Svoboda A., Hofmann A., Sanders B. Playing for progress: policy advocacy in sport for development. FRONTIERS IN SPORTS AND ACTIVE LIVING. 2025.
Svoboda A., Graeff B., Bretherton P., Šafaříková S., Viacelli D., Al Droushi AR., Knijnik J. A quest for legitimacy? An exploratory study of the new meanings of sports and physical activity in contemporary Saudi Arabia. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 2024.
Moustakas L., Breed M., Burgers N., Šafaříková S., Svoboda A., Wittmannová J. Keeping It Real: Insights from a Sport-Based Living Lab. Societies. 2024.
Dušková L., Šafaříková S., Van Der Klashorst E., Svoboda A. Reflexivity of participants of Football for Development project: experiential learning as delivery methodology of global education. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning. 2024.
Svoboda A., Šafaříková S. Sport for development in international relations. Politics in Central Europe. 2021.
Svoboda A. Doping jako příklad „pozitivní deviace“ ve sportu. Česká kinantropologie. 2018.
Svoboda A. Sport a symbolický kapitál: sociologicka analýza fotbalu, plavání a parkouru. In Oborný J., Štaud O., Vrtiaková B. (Eds.) Kultúrna antropológia a šport. 2015.
Hofmann A., Svoboda A., Sanders B., Carty C., van Marle F., van Eekeren F., Ermes J., Wittmannová J., Petry K., Clohessy K., Breedveld K., Kalina L., Breed M., Burgers N., Grove P., Hunt P., Ogden P., van Limbeek P., Carney S., Šafaříková S., Greven T., Hertsenberg T., Clardy A. Living Lab Toolkit: Insights from the Sport and Social Cohesion Lab (SSCL) Project. In Moustakas L. (Eds.) 2023.
Svoboda A., Šafaříková S., Wittmannová J., Hofmann A. Experiences from Implementing a Football for Development Programme as a Tool for Social Cohesion in the Olomouc Region, Czech Republic. In Petry K., Moustakas L. (Eds.) Sport for Social Cohesion. Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. 2025.
Svoboda A., Cutiva Benítez K., Rodríguez-Castellanos FA., Torres Mejía PA., Šafaříková S. Sustainable development goals in sport for development and peace agenda in Colombia: Analysis of online documents. In Graeff B., Šafaříková S., Sambili-Gicheha LCh. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Global South in Sport for Development and Peace. 2024.
Graeff B., Šafaříková S., Svoboda A. Research collaborations – On the experience of doing international research on sport for development and peace in South America. In Schulenkorf N., Welty Peachey J., Spaaij R., Collison-Randall H. (Eds.) Handbook of Sport and International Development. 2023.
Šafaříková S., Svoboda A. Sport and Development in the Czech Republic: Sport as a Tool for Social and Cultural Transformation. In Tinaz C., Brendon K. (Eds.) Sport and Development in Emerging Nations. 2021.
Svoboda A. Alternative Features of a Swimming Club. In Bettine M., Gutierrez GL. (Eds.) Esporte e sociedade: um olhar a partir da globalização. 2019.
Svoboda A., Numerato D. Socio-cultural transformations of tennis in the Czech Republic. In Lake RJ. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Tennis. History, Culture and Politics. 2019.
Wittmannová J., Svoboda A., Šafaříková S. Social Cohesion Lab: The research cooperation between Football for Development (FfD) and Palacký University Olomouc. EUJAPA European Journal of APA. 2024.
Wittmannová J., Šafaříková S., Svoboda A. Social cohesion through sport: Social Cohesion Lab. EUJAPA - European Journal of APA. 2022.
Wittmannová J., Šafaříková S., Svoboda A. Využití sportu a pohybových aktivit k vytváření komunitní soudržnosti. In Švamberk Šauerová M. (Eds.) Sborník abstraktů 6. ročník mezinárodní vědecké konference „Sport a zážitková pedagogika v edukačních a společenských souvislostech“. 2022.
Svoboda A. Subcultural capital as an analytical tool for studies of sporting subcultures. The Values of Sport: Between tradition and (post)modernity - Abstract book. 2017.
Svoboda A. Sport stars in minor sports. ESA 12th Conference. Programme book. 2015.
Svoboda A., Šafaříková S., Graeff B., Rahim Muslem Al Droushi A., Knijnik J., Goularte Knuth A. The perceptions of young Saudis and other key actors about the limits and possibilities for participation in physical activity and sport. PRINCE SATTAM BIN ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY. 2022.
Billy G., Šafaříková S., Svoboda A. South American Sport for Development Voices and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Olympic Studies Centre. 2021.
Šafaříková S., Svoboda A., Wittmannová J., Moustakas L. Sport and Social Cohesion Lab. EU. 2021.
Svoboda A., Šafaříková S. Global Sport for Development and Peace Knowledge Collaborative (GloKnoCo). European Union; Dům zahraniční spolupráce (národní agentura). 2019.
Háp P., Kudláček M., Šafář M., Ješina O., Kudláček M., Vašíčková J., Formánková S., Svozil Z., Bělka J., Dub J., Poláková M., Petr M., Harvanová J., Svoboda A., Vyhlídal T., Pernicová H., Půža M., Tavel P., Baloun L. Společenství praxe pro rozvoj sociálních a občanských kompetencí: zkušenostní učení s využitím pohybových her, psychomotoriky, výchovy v přírodě a dramatické výchovy. MŠMT. 2016.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Kvalitativní výzkum KRL/KVVY LS Se 3
Kvalitativní výzkum KRL/KKVVY LS Se 8
Kvalitativní výzkum KRL/KKVVY LS 4
Sociology KSK/SOCI ZS 2
Sociology KSK/SOCI ZS Se 6
Sociology KSK/SOCI LS Se 6
Sociology KSK/SOCI LS 2
Psycho- and sociodiagnostics KSK/SODI LS Se 2
Socialization through sport KSK/SOSP ZS Se 3
Sociology of Leisure KSK/SVC ZS Se 0
Sociology of Leisure KSK/SVC ZS 0
Qualitative Approaches in Kinanthropology KRL/KPKI LS Se 1
Qualitative Approaches in Kinanthropology KRL/KPKI LS 1
Social aspects of sport KSK/KSASP LS Se 3
Sociology KSK/KSOCI LS Se 4
Sociology KSK/KSOCI LS 4
Sociodiagnostics KSK/KSODI LS Se 4
Sociodiagnostics KSK/KSODI LS 4
Socialization through sport KSK/KSOSP LS 3
Socialization through sport KSK/KSOSP LS Se 3
Master's Diploma Thesis 1 MRS/GDP1 LS Se 0
Social Change through Sport in EU KSK/@CSEU LS 1
Social Change through Sport in EU KSK/@CSEU LS Cv 1

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