doc. Mgr. Roman Cuberek, Ph.D.


585636171, 731128619

Institut aktivního životního stylu

Fakulta tělesné kultury

FTK NB budova center - CKV



research methodology;assessment of physical physical fitness and physical activity;methods and techniques applied to monitor physical activity

Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:

  • Česká kinantropologická společnost (člen, 2014–)
Selected publications
Rubín L., Suchomel A., Cuberek R., Dušková L., Tláskalová M. Self-assessment of physical fitness in adolescents. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. 2017. (ČLÁNEK)
Hůlka K., Bělka J., Cuberek R., Schneider O. Reliability of specific on-ice repeated-sprint ability test for ice-hockey players. Acta Gymnica. 2014. (ČLÁNEK)
Hůlka K., Cuberek R., Svoboda Z. Time–motion analysis of basketball players: a reliability assessment of Video Manual Motion Tracker 1.0 software. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2014. (ČLÁNEK)
Hůlka K., Bělka J., Cuberek R. Heart rate and time-motion analyses in top junior players during basketball matches. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica. 2013. (ČLÁNEK)
Cuberek R., Jakubec A., Hůlka K., Botek M. A new view on the quality of Jacík's test. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica. 2012. (ČLÁNEK)
Hůlka K., Bělka J., Cuberek R., Weisser R. Video Manual Motion Tracker 1.0. 2010. (SOFTWARE)
Kovář M., Cuberek R. Use of inertial measurement units in handball: A review. Studia sportiva. 2024.
Kopecká T., Raisová K., Cuberek R., Rodová Z., Zatloukal J., Zetková A., Kršáková Z. Standardizace 1. české verze dotazníku Manchaster respiratory activities of daily living questionnairre – pilotní studie. Rehabilitacia. 2023.
Banátová K., Valtr L., Cuberek R. Cultural adaptation of the MABC-2 Checklist as a screening tool for Developmental Coordination Disorder in schools. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN HEALTH CARE. 2022.
Laštovička O., Cuberek R., Janura M., Klein T. Evaluation of usability of the Tiger full foot 3D scanner for the measurements of basic foot dimensions in clinical practice. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PODIATRIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 2022.
Kvintová J., Váchová L., Cuberek R., Petrová J., Stuchlíková I., Dobešová Cakirpaloglu S., Pugnerová M., Balátová K., Lemrová S., Vítečková M., Plevová I. Preschoolers’ Attitudes, School Motivation, and Executive functions in the Context of Various Types of Kindergarten. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022.
Vašíčková J., Cuberek R., Pernicová H. Reliabilita Dotazníku sebehodnocení pohybové gramotnosti u vysokoškolské populace. Tělesná kultura. 2020.
Cuberek R., Pelclová J., Gába A., Pechová J., Svozilová Z., Přidalová M., Štefelová N., Hron K. Adiposity and changes in movement-related behaviors in older adult women in the context of the built environment: a protocol for a prospective cohort study. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019.
Tománková K., Přidalová M., Svoboda Z., Cuberek R. Evaluation of Plantar Pressure Distribution in Relationship to Body Mass Index in Czech Women during Walking. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. 2017.
Lehnert M., Svoboda Z., Chmelík F., Cuberek R., Zemková E., Machová I. Isokinetic Strength of Knee Extensors is Associated with Balance in Middle-aged Women. The Anthropologist. 2017.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Kováčiková Z., Kutílek P., Cuberek R., Janura M. Effect of lower limb preference on variability of centre of pressure movement during gait. Acta Gymnica. 2015.
Kováčiková Z., Svoboda Z., Neumannová K., Bizovská L., Cuberek R., Janura M. Assessment of postural stability in overweight and obese middle-aged women. Acta Gymnica. 2014.
Lehnert M., Chmelík F., Cuberek R., Svobodová V. Strength asymmetry of the knee extensors and physical activity in middle-aged women. Acta Gymnica. 2014.
Cuberek R., Machová I., Lipenská M. Reliability of V sit-and-reach test used for flexibility self-assessment in females. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica. 2013.
Cuberek R., Chmelík F., Frömel K., Mitáš J., Vašíčková J., Svozil Z. The concept of the implementation of present evidence-based knowledge and technology into the preparation of sport professionals. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2013.
CUBEREK R., Frömel K. K problematice výzkumného výběru a testování nulové hypotézy. Československá psychologie. 2011.
Cuberek R., El Ansari W., Frömel K., Skalik K., Sigmund E. A comparison of two motion sensors for the assessment of free-living physical activity of adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2010.
Cuberek R., Machová E. The motor performance progression of future undergraduate students of physical education. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica. 2009.
Kvintová J., Váchová L., Bucharová M., Pugnerová M., Plevová I., Novotný JS., Cuberek R. Preschoolers' home learning activities in relation to different types of kindergartens. EDULEARN23 Proceedings. 2023.
Cuberek R., Gába A., Svoboda Z., Pelclová J., Chmelík F., Lehnert M., Šafář M., Frömel K. Chůze v životě žen se sedavým zaměstnáním. 2014.
Cuberek R., Gába A., Svoboda Z., Pelclová J., Chmelík F., Lehnert M., Šafář M., Frömel K. Walking in the lifestyle of elderly women with sedentary occupation. 2014.
Měkota K., Cuberek R. Pohybové dovednosti - činnosti - výkony. Pohybové dovednosti - činnosti - výkony. 2007.
Cuberek R., Pelclová J., Harvanová J. Permanency of a movement behavior change in older women: Assessment of intervention based on walking to work. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 2018.
Pelclová J., Cuberek R., Machová I. Adherence to increased walking for transportation in postmenopausal women. HEPA EUROPE. 2015.
Cuberek R., Frömel K., Skalik K. A Comparison of Two Step-Based Techniques: The Assessment of Free-Living Physical Activity of Adolescents. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica. 2010.
Křen F., Nosek M., Cuberek R., Suchomel A., Frömel K., Fical P., Groffik D. Sebehodnocení tělesné zdatnosti pro 2010.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Methodology and Statistics KSK/KMETS ZS 4
Methodology and Statistics KSK/KMETS ZS Se 4
Methodology and Statistics KSK/METS LS 2
Research Methodology IZS/MEV ZS 2
Statistics and Analysis of Research Data IZS/SAVD LS 2
Methodology of Empirical Research IZS/KMEEV ZS 4
Methodology of Empirical Research IZS/KMEEV ZS Se 4
Statistics and Analysis of Research Data IZS/KSAVD ZS 8
Statistics and Analysis of Research Data IZS/KSAVD ZS Se 8
Methodology of Empirical Research IZS/MEEV ZS Se 1
Methodology of Empirical Research IZS/MEEV ZS 1

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