Student Stories

Antonio Jesús Ortigosa Melero

After a break, which was caused by the beginning of the semester and new students settling in, we are back with the interviews with the international students studying at our faculty. Since most of our exchange students come from Spain, we will start with Antonio Jesús Ortigosa Melero from the University of Granada where he is studying Sports Science and Physical Education.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I chose Palacký University Olomouc mainly because my sister studied here 7 years ago and she spoke very well of this destination in every way. Another of the main reasons was that I could recognize many of the topics here at my home University (UGR), without affecting the additional years at the university, and that the city is so inexpensive compared to other destinations, plus it is very well located to make many trips through Central Europe.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Five years ago, I had visited my sister here in Olomouc, so I already had an idea of the facilities and the surroundings. But honestly, I could not imagine how I would manage here day after day before I actually arrived.

Once here, everything has gone very well from the beginning, both the professors and the coordinators of the university treat Erasmus students very well and they are very close to us. On the other hand, the residence surprised me because all Erasmus students are staying together, which facilitates the adaptation at the beginning.

Reality was better than expectations, which were already high.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

The main difference is with regard to the number of students in class, in my local university there are approximately 60 people in the theoretical classes and 30 in the practices, while here in all classes we are from 5 to 10 students, which facilitates good relationships with teachers and learning. The difference in the quality of teaching is huge especially regarding personal treatment, here you are treated as a person, while at my university you are a simple number.

On the other hand, with respect to the requirements in the classes, it is more difficult at my home university because I had more class hours and more homework, while in Olomouc we have few hours of class and few duties. But I must say that the classes here are more effective and of better quality due to the small number of students.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

The biggest challenges we have had to overcome as Erasmus students have been the language, the change in the eating schedule, the food and the sunset.

Regarding the language, whenever you want something, you are forced to speak in English, so at the beginning it is a challenge. But later your hearing will get used to it and this helps you to acquire a good level of English.

On the other hand, meals are eaten 2 hours earlier than in Spain, they have lunch at 12:00 and dinner around 20:00, which is something that is hard for Spaniards.

Another big change is the food. When we go to buy food, everything is in Czech and it is not the same as in Spain, so you have to adapt.

And finally, it gets dark at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which gives the feeling of the day ending, you get sleepy and you do not take advantage of the time you have, although you actually have many hours of the day left.

How did you spend your free time?

I take advantage of the free time by going out with friends, taking a walk around the city centre, drinking beers and playing games, playing football with friends, going for a run around the residence (beautiful routes) or going to the gym. For example, now that Christmas is here, we usually go ice-skating to an ice rink.

Last but not least, we take advantage of the weekends to travel and get to know all the countries around the Czech Republic.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

I believe that during all the days of the Erasmus stay you can have memorable experiences thanks to the great amount of plans and experiences that you live each day.

But if I have to choose just one, I would mention one of the first trips. We went to Budapest and that's where we started to get to know each other better and form our friendships.

Another memorable experience has undoubtedly been the reunion with my colleagues from my home university who are also Erasmus and we travelled together.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

Of course, I think that everyone who leaves Erasmus changes. I have totally left my comfort zone - something I was embarrassed about or afraid to do before, now I simply do it, because you face so many new situations and challenges in the day to day that you adapt and new challenges do not scare you anymore. For example, I was embarrassed to speak in English before and now I do it without problem in any situation. It is true that I fail sometimes, but that is how you learn.

I have also opened my mind more; I have met people from many countries and from all parts of Spain. This makes you more flexible, more open-minded, ignorant of the stereotypes and you enjoy the differences.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I think there are many benefits that Erasmus can bring you. The first and most important is improving English. I think that living abroad is the best way to learn English, something that is fundamental for any job today. And on the other hand, the independence you acquire, because as I said in the day to day of an Erasmus student, there are many new situations and challenges to overcome, so you have to think about how to overcome those situations and find solutions. From my point of view, this makes you more independent and can help you a lot in your future work, where you will also be exposed to new situations every day.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Of course. In fact, I have already recommended it to many of the University of Granada students. I recommend it absolutely for many reasons, which I explain below.

In the university, both teachers and coordinators treat you very well and are very close, facilitating learning and Erasmus stay. With respect to the subjects, many of them are different from those that are usually seen in Spain, which is interesting because I would not be able to study this content in my country.

The facilities are great, within a radius of 100 m you have the residence, the faculty and the gym; and in 10 minutes you can be in the centre of the city if you take a tram.

With regard to the city, it is great, a small but very beautiful city, where you do not lack anything and any plan that you can think of is within your reach. And without a doubt, the best of all is the location of the city. It is perfect to do a lot of travel around central Europe.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

Enriching, intense, necessary, unforgettable and exciting.


Kyle Ferguson

Kyle Ferguson, one of two Canadian students spending the past winter semester at our faculty, came to Olomouc from the University of Alberta where he is studying Bachelor of Kinesiology with a Major in Adapted Physical Activity. Does he think the study system at Palacký University differs from what he is used to at his home university?

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I chose Palacký University as they are a partner university of my home institution, so it made the application process quite easy. I also picked it as the Czech Republic is very central in Europe allowing me to travel for relatively cheap each weekend and experience as many different countries as I could. The cost of living is also cheaper than in Canada so that also helped.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Yes and No. I talked with a few students who came here from Canada before me, so I had a general idea of what to expect but there was also a lot that was unexpected. For example, you really get to know the other Erasmus students and interact with even if they are staying on the dorm. The culture is much more like Canada and it is easier to adapt to and get used to than I thought it would be.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

In terms of classes, I expected to be very much like Canada where you have lecture where the professor speaks, and you take notes and then are evaluated throughout the semester and then an exam at the end. The lessons here are much more practical and hands on with real life application and some classes have exams and some do not. I think this is a much better way to learn some concepts and develop confidence in your field study. There are also more presentations that you do on a selected topic of your choice and then teach it to the class. It is stressful trying to come up with a presentation with little guidance, but the professors are very lenient on how and what is presented.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

Language. Czech is nothing like any other language I have heard before and very few people outside of the people involved internationally speak any English. I would highly suggest learning some basic Czech before you come here. I have also never lived in a dorm or away from home before, so it took some time to get used to it and adapt to a new way of life.

How did you spend your free time?

Every weekend I travel to other countries in Europe and during the weekdays, I use my free time to either study, read or do to the gym. Except Wednesdays, which are Erasmus student, club nights at Belmondo.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

Traveling to Warsaw on my own. This was the first time I have ever gone somewhere alone, and Warsaw was such an interesting city to walk around and learn about its history and everything.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

Absolutely. I am much more independent now and I am better at working through new problems and challenges. This applies to both normal life and in my classes. The teachers really don’t give you a guide on what you need to know and learn so it’s based much more on independent learning of the introduced concepts.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I don’t really have a specific career planned out in my future, but this experience has really helped me see more of the options that are open to me and what else I can do with my degree after I graduate.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Yes, I would really recommend coming here. The teachers are great and interesting; the mix of other students from all over is something you can’t really get everywhere and Olomouc as a city is also amazing. It’s not a super busy and fast paced city like Prague and it allows you to learn about it in a relaxed way without feeling rushed.  

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

Unforgettable, fun, enlightening, exciting, amazing.

Cassidy Stromberg

Each semester, we have a chance to welcome some exchange students from outside the EU, such as Canada. There are currently three students from this North American country and Cassidy Stromberg from Canada is one of them. Her home university is the University of Alberta in Edmonton and she is studying Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology at the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport & Recreation.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I chose Palacký University as they are a partner university of my home institution, so it made the application process quite easy. I also picked it as the Czech Republic is very central in Europe allowing me to travel for relatively cheap each weekend and experience as many different countries as I could. The cost of living is also cheaper than in Canada so that also helped.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Yes and No. I talked with a few students who came here from Canada before me, so I had a general idea of what to expect but there was also a lot that was unexpected. For example, you really get to know the other Erasmus students and interact with even if they are staying on the dorm. The culture is much more like Canada and it is easier to adapt to and get used to than I thought it would be.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

In terms of classes, I expected to be very much like Canada where you have lecture where the professor speaks, and you take notes and then are evaluated throughout the semester and then an exam at the end. The lessons here are much more practical and hands on with real life application and some classes have exams and some do not. I think this is a much better way to learn some concepts and develop confidence in your field study. There are also more presentations that you do on a selected topic of your choice and then teach it to the class. It is stressful trying to come up with a presentation with little guidance, but the professors are very lenient on how and what is presented.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

Language. Czech is nothing like any other language I have heard before and very few people outside of the people involved internationally speak any English. I would highly suggest learning some basic Czech before you come here. I have also never lived in a dorm or away from home before, so it took some time to get used to it and adapt to a new way of life.

How did you spend your free time?

Every weekend I travel to other countries in Europe and during the weekdays, I use my free time to either study, read or do to the gym. Except Wednesdays, which are Erasmus student, club nights at Belmondo.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

Traveling to Warsaw on my own. This was the first time I have ever gone somewhere alone, and Warsaw was such an interesting city to walk around and learn about its history and everything.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

Absolutely. I am much more independent now and I am better at working through new problems and challenges. This applies to both normal life and in my classes. The teachers really don’t give you a guide on what you need to know and learn so it’s based much more on independent learning of the introduced concepts.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I don’t really have a specific career planned out in my future, but this experience has really helped me see more of the options that are open to me and what else I can do with my degree after I graduate.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Yes, I would really recommend coming here. The teachers are great and interesting; the mix of other students from all over is something you can’t really get everywhere and Olomouc as a city is also amazing. It’s not a super busy and fast paced city like Prague and it allows you to learn about it in a relaxed way without feeling rushed.  

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

Unforgettable, fun, enlightening, exciting, amazing.

Monika Riechers & Karen Wisheu

You might have already read about the experience of Cassidy from the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Now we are bringing you an interview with two of her classmates, Monika Riechers (M), and Karen Wisheu (K) who are studying Science in Kinesiology and Kinesiology respectively at their home university in Canada.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

Palacký University was one of three faculty exchanges offered to students at our home university.

M: I chose it because I have close family friends from the Czech Republic and was interested in learning and experiencing the country and culture. I also must admit that the centrality of Olomouc also played a factor in my decision because it allows for traveling around Europe.

K: I didn’t have family friends in the country, but otherwise my motives were similar. Additionally, I thought Czech was more exciting and different than the UK and cheaper than Norway (our other two options).

Were your expectations different from the reality?

M: Slightly, I expected the weather to be a bit warmer than it was but in comparison to home, it was still really warm. I was also expecting to be interacting with Czech students more than I did.

K: My expectations were completely different. I was told the classes were styled differently than in Canada, but I didn’t expect it to be quite so different. Honestly, I came into the exchange a bit blind, so for most aspects of the exchange I either had no idea what to expect or was completely wrong about what to expect going in. Now this didn’t really have a detrimental effect on my exchange as a whole, but it made the first week or so incredibly stressful. I highly recommend future exchange students talk to people who’ve gone previously or read a bunch of interviews (neither of which I did), so they go into the program with a better understanding.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

M: My courses were a lot smaller here than at home, and a lot more hands on. We had to apply knowledge that we had learnt to real life scenarios and there were a lot more presentations.

K: Back home you were taught things more directly (i.e. teacher reading off a PowerPoint), while in Olomouc it wasn’t uncommon to have to figure things out on your own as well. In one class, for example, we had to prepare two presentations (one short, one quite long) on two different topics. In both cases we were expected to teach ourselves about our selected topics on our own. This process was challenging and stressful at times, but it was incredibly rewarding once we presented.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

M: Getting used to presenting. I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to presenting so it was pretty stressful for me to have to do so many for classes. Also, getting used to not always understanding what is around me. At home everything is either in English or French, so I am able to understand everything; from what people are saying to the small things such as advertisements. It was definitely a strange experience and took a while to adjust to.

K: In addition to the language barrier, it was really challenging to learn to live on my own. I still live with my parents back home so simple things like cooking and getting into a regular schedule for groceries and laundry took some getting used to.

How did you spend your free time?

K: I’m not going to lie, I can be kind of an introvert. I spent more nights than I should have bundled up in my dorm room watching YouTube videos or TV shows, but I made a lot of friends and as the semester went on I spent more and more time with them. It wasn’t just partying or weekend trips either, sometimes they’d come over to watch movies on my laptop or we’d go out to a café for lunch. It was often super mundane things like getting groceries together or hanging out working on papers until 2am (not because they were hard, so much as because we procrastinated or forgot about them).  I did do a fair amount of traveling at the weekends, but mostly it was just hanging out in my dorm or casually with friends.

M: We also spent a decent amount of time attending the local sport matches with my (Karen’s adopted) buddy.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

K: There was one trip I had been planning even before I got to the Czech Republic that really stands out. It was a trip to London where I got to attend a Premiere League football match and a video game conference where I got to go to a meet and greet with some people I’m huge fans of. It was probably one of the best weekends of my life. In terms of my time in Olomouc specifically, however, the most memorable moment is near the end of my time here. One night at 2am, I went over to my friend’s room and we watched game seven of the eastern conference final (NHL). We stayed up until 5am cracking jokes about Don Cherry and the game itself even though I had to be up at 7am the next morning and he had a flight to catch. The next morning, we went out to a café with a couple other friends and I remember being surprised at how awake he was because the only thing keeping me conscious was my cup of coffee.

M: One of my most memorable experiences was when I got to attend an Olomouc ice hockey game with friends. It was really amusing to watch the game with my buddy Kate and our British friends who had never seen a game before. The Olomouc fans are very passionate about the game, and a lot more vocal about their opinions then the fans back home. It was also awesome to see Olomouc win and the player celebrations after the game (thank you Kate for making sure we stayed after the game :-) ).

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

K: I feel like the exchange has really helped to make me more independent. There were a lot of things I had to do while abroad that I would normally avoid doing back home. The classes themselves also helped me improve my independence because the style the teachers used relied more heavily upon independent learning and active participation in class. The more frequent use of applying knowledge over memorization also helped me in that department (which was really helpful since I’m a lot better at memorizing than applying knowledge).

M: I believe that this experience has helped me become more independent. Along with regular everyday things, the teaching style here is reliant on the students wanting to learn more and coming to classes with an understanding of the course material so that they can participate. This experience has also helped to me to find my passions and what I am interested in.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

K: I feel the answer to this is pretty similar to what I said above. The independence I gained is probably the biggest advantage I’ve gained here. The ability to talk to new people (regardless of the differences in our backgrounds) is something I feel I’ve really improved on. I’m still kind of awkward, but I used to be much worse. Additionally, I’ve gotten a lot better at working with and around language barriers.

M: This experience has given me valuable insight into how people feel when they immigrate into a new country. This is incredibly valuable because living in a country such as Canada, there are so many immigrants and people from different backgrounds. It also, has given me an idea of specific areas of the field that I would like to further explore.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

K: The first week that I was here, during orientation, I was told that I would fall in love with this town and I absolutely have. Olomouc is a small town which makes it so walkable and easy to familiarize yourself with. Whenever I returned from traveling, I was always excited to be back. I can’t entirely describe it, but I really can’t recommend this town highly enough.

M: I would definitely recommend coming to Palacký, the teachers within this faculty are enthusiastic about their fields, are always willing to lend a hand, and are very personable. Along with the amazing teachers, you also get to meet many interesting and unique people.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 words, which ones would you use?

K: New, challenging, rewarding, friendships, natural.

M: Adventure, exciting, humbling, fun, friendships.


Fan Gaosheng

For the past couple of years, our faculty has had the pleasure to welcome students from Chinese universities to teach martial arts to both our students and staff. This year is no exception, with Fan Gaosheng coming to the Faculty of Physical Culture for a year as a teacher of Chinese martial arts. Fan comes from Beijing Sports University and apart from teaching, he also attends some classes as a student to broaden his horizons. He loves Chinese martial arts, basketball, skiing and travelling. Let´s see what he thinks about living and teaching in Olomouc...

Why did you choose our university for your teaching experience?

There were eight martial arts teachers at my university and six countries to choose from. All of them chose Denmark and Norway. I did not want to do the same thing they did so I checked some information about the Czech Republic online and compared to other countries, it seemed more suitable for living. Therefore, I chose to come here. Prague is a world-famous tourist spot, the scenery is beautiful, which was also one of the reasons that attracted me. And as we all know, the Palacký University is very famous in the Czech Republic and many famous people graduated from this university. The Palacký University has established a cooperation with my university in China, which is also one of the reasons why I came here. I would like to promote Chinese culture and health exercises Taichi and Qigong in the Czech Republic.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

There are some differences. The schools here are not the same as those in China. We have a lot of training venues while at the faculty here in Olomouc, there are very few places to exercise. Olomouc is also a relatively small city and some things are hard to buy. Some Asian food can only be bought in Prague. However, the stuff is very cheap and one can have a very comfortable life here.

When I first came here, I missed the Chinese food very much. I really like spicy food, but I can not get spicy peppers here. A lot of food here is very sweet and really different from that in China. Before I came here, I thought of Europe as of a continent of brilliant buildings, polite and enthusiastic people but Olomouc is a student city, therefore it looks a bit different from what I expected. But when you stay here for some time, you will enjoy the life here, although not everyone is very friendly, but I think it is the same in every country. I like it here now, it’s very peaceful and my heart feels more quiet.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

The English classes left me with a deep impression. The lessons are very interactive, and the students can communicate a lot. The teachers give students enough space to express their thoughts. I attend my classes with international exchange students and I enjoy discussing various topics with them.

The teachers here are friendlier and the atmosphere in the classroom is better than at my university. Many of the classes are very practice-oriented and I can improve in various sports. There are only a few students in one class, while in China there are about 100 students in one class.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as a teacher of martial arts?

First of all, students here do not understand Chinese culture and do not know much about Tai Chi. Secondly, because of the cultural differences, classes are different and students have different attitudes toward their teachers. For example, when we have different opinions on some matter, I will solve it in a Chinese manner which might differ from the Czech way of dealing with problems. However, it doesn't really matter, we always get along very well and I am very glad I get along with all my Czech students. Also, there is a language barrier because my English is still not that good. When teaching Chinese martial arts, we use some professional terminology which when translated into English often loses its original meaning. I am trying my best to improve my English and I think it has already improved a lot which makes me very happy.

How do you spend your free time?

I have only a few Tai Chi classes here, so I have a lot of free time. I often attend some courses of my interest to learn more about teaching methods, different ideas and concepts. I occasionally go swimming or have dinner with my colleagues. I travel to the surrounding cities at the weekends and enjoy the feeling of cycling on the country roads. During our winter vacation I went to the Northern Europe to get to know their culture better. We also planned some trips together with my students here who also became my best friends. I learnt a lot from them about the Czech culture. One of them lent me a bike so I will be able to ride it around and enjoy the spring time in Europe.

What is the single most memorable experience you have had from your life here so far?

During Christmas, my student invited me to spend time with her family. It was a very memorable Christmas and I felt great. I cooked Christmas dishes with her family and we went to the church. We decorated the Christmas tree together in the evening and gave gifts to each other. Her family is very passionate, very kind and explained to me the Christmas-related stories. Another great experience was learning skiing with my friend and I think I became quite good at it! We do not have snow in my hometown and I never tried any winter sports. The first time I went skiing, I fell in love with the sport. Both of my friends are my Tai Chi students. I am very glad I could meet them, they changed my life and thanks to them I can explore more about the European culture. I would like to say to them: Thank you all so much!

Have you changed because of your experience?

I have been living here for more than six months now and it changed me a lot. Life here is very good, regardless of poverty or wealth. Houses here look ordinary from the outside, but it is very beautiful inside. I have changed a lot in my thinking. There are many places worth visiting and many things worth learning. People here love to learn. My students' parents are almost 50 years old and just started to learn English, which I really admire. I really learnt a lot and I love this feeling! Being able to learn more about different cultures makes me really very happy and gives me a feeling of fulfillment.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I tell myself that no matter how old I am, I cannot stop studying. Whether poor or rich, I should love my life and keep a young heart. When I become older, I can tell my children about my travels in Europe which changed my life. I also became more confident and I can think more comprehensively and calmly when facing various problems. My teaching ability has also improved a lot. I can communicate with foreigners better and my English proficiency has also improved greatly. I think that thanks to my progress in English, I can be more competitive when looking for a job in China after my graduation.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

I would recommend it because there are many great teachers and friendly people from all around the world and you can also gain access to new knowledge here.

If you had to describe your experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

Beautiful, friendly, peaceful, harmonious, happy.


Blandine d’Aldéguier

Some international students decide to study at our Faculty for two semesters and Blandine d’Aldéguier from France is one of them. She is currently in her 3rd year of Adapted Physical Activity at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse and she has explained us her reasons for choosing Palacký University Olomouc for her Erasmus.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I chose a university at which I could make progress in English and practise it during classes. Based on my focus on Adapted Physical Activity (APA) and partnerships between the universities, I had two opportunities: Prague and Olomouc. In the end, I chose Palacký University; the main reasons were the APA Winter Camp and the perfect geographical location of Olomouc as a crossroad for travel in Central and Eastern Europe.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

During the 1st semester, I didn’t have so many classes and much homework so I had plenty of free time, unlike now, in the 2nd semester. Now in every course we are required to do a report and an oral presentation, which is more similar to my university.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

The biggest challenge for me is trying not to stay in my bedroom during the week because there is not much to do there as it only has a desk, which is also your dining table, drawing table and used for studying.

How did you spend your free time?

I enjoy spending time with my friends, like discussing things over a beer, attending the national presentations every week, cooking meals, planning and convincing friends to join the trip, writing letters, walking along the fields near Neředín, playing table tennis…

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

When my friend Nagi from Japan visited my hometown and Paris! I realised how France and Europe can be totally different and shacking for the Japanese. But cultural differences cannot stop us from being true friends.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

I’m sure I have changed, I’m not afraid to speak English anymore. I have learned so much about myself and who my real friends are; I’m more open-minded and mature.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I am able to have a real conversation in English with both students and teachers who come from different cultures and countries and have different views. I learned a lot about APA, for example that wheelchair sports are more than just basketball and rugby, but also floorball and ultimate Frisbee for example. I gained new knowledge.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

We are Erasmus students from different countries, it’s an amazing mix. The city of Olomouc is not too big but as a student, you have the opportunities to do sports, go to parties or meet international friends. The Neředín dormitories are in the campus – three minutes from your classroom! The international office helps you a lot, you are never alone.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 words, which ones would you use?

Adaptability, funny, unforgettable, realization of travel dreams!


Augustine Kyere

Annual field trip called “Expedice přes bar(iéry)” (Expedition over barriers) organized for people with disabilities was held in May 2022 thanks to our brilliant, energetic teachers and students from the Department of Adapted Physical Activities. This year, one of our students of the master’s degree programme Physical Activity and Active Living, Augustine Kyere, joined the expedition to find out how enjoyable and enriching such an experience can be. Read on if you want to know what it was like for a Ghanaian student to spend a week in Slovakia and how he approached the challenges that occurred.

How did the organization of the expedition go? Did you have a chance to contribute even though you don’t speak Czech or Slovak?

Yes, I really had the chance to contribute a lot at the group level in discussions of what food to bring and how to cook it, accommodation or making sure everybody had the basic equipment for the expedition. In these discussions language barrier did not affect our communication.

The organization was excellent. Every bit of information as to what to do or when and how we move, was shared without a delay.


Was there any special equipment you had to buy/borrow before the expedition?

Yes, I bought a sleeping mat; borrowed a back pack and a sleeping bag.


Could you briefly describe the programme of the expedition?

The expedition was a seven-day recreational and leisure programme (from 14th to 21st May) in Slovakia. The expedition group went with disabled people: the visually impaired, the deaf, people with cerebral palsy and mentally retarded people, with the aim to connect with nature, to create joy, and give emotional relief to everyone, especially the members with disabilities.

In all the activities no one was left out. Everybody, including our dear disabled guys, who were given an overwhelming assistance, could fully participate and enjoy boating, cycling, walking in the mountains and playful activities.


Were there any things you tried for the first time in your life?

Of course, yes. My first time of boating. I usually don’t like activities in water because in my country a lot of people drown so my mother never allowed me to play in water. Initially, I didn’t want to take part in the canoeing but I was motivated by the kind of enthusiasm each member of the expedition group had. In the end, I really enjoyed boating.


How did you feel during the expedition and what was the biggest challenge for you?

I felt secured with the group and extremely happy. However, the biggest challenge for me was canoeing and sleeping in a tent, but I was able to overcome my fear.


What did you learn from this experience?

From this expedition, I have learnt that team work, proper and precise instructions, and caring for others will bring a complete success with joy in everything.


What is/are your favourite moment/s from the trip?

My favourite moments during the expedition are:

  • When I realized I have not been discriminated in any way as far as the various activities were concerned.
  • Again, when we started canoeing, after moving on the water for about one hour, I realized I had been able to paddle and move the canoe on the water smoothly and my heart was flooded with joy.


Is there anything else you would like to say?

I am delighted to have taken part in this expedition 2022 with the kind of love and attention each member showed to me. Everybody is amazing.



Patrik Horváth

Next international student in our series of interviews is Patrik Horváth from Hungary. He came from Department of Sports Management and Theory, Faculty of Sciences, University of Pécs and he likes travelling, table tennis, reading and touring. Does he also enjoy studying at our faculty?

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I visited the Czech Republic in 2014 and it was love at first sight for me. During my trip, I decided that I would return to the country as soon as I have the chance. I heard about the Erasmus+ programme in my university. At first, I was not interested in it but when my teacher started to list the possible countries, my feelings changed because of the possibility to go to Prague and Olomouc. I came here with one of my friends and in Prague there was just place for one student, so it was obvious that our destination would be Olomouc. I registered right after the introduction. Later I googled the city and the university and I became a true fan of the Palacký University.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Yes. When I came here, I realized everyone is so kind to us. I thought that maybe it would not be the same forever because usually everyone tries to be kind to the “guests” at the start but all of the teachers, students and even the non-academic staff of the Palacký University have always been so nice to us. When my new teachers ask about me or my Erasmus mates, they don’t do so just to ask some questions but they really want to get to know us deeply. I have a very good relationship with my teachers and with a lot of Erasmus and non-Erasmus students. I never expected better atmosphere during my Erasmus!

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

In Hungary, I’m a student of the faculty of sciences which includes all of the sport studies. But mine is closer to business than is usual here. In Olomouc, I can study several kinds of sport studies like recreation, biomechanics, travel & tourism or even wheelchair sports. Most of my subjects are practical, however, it’s different at my home university where a lot of business subjects are theoretical. I like my classes here, they are so useful. English language is one of the most useful courses, while still being so interesting. It will be difficult when my Erasmus ends because teaching methods as well as the language of the teaching are different in Hungary. Anyway, I enjoy being taught in English.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

I had to overcome some difficulties, for example using English. It wasn’t the first time I needed to use it but with everyone and all the time… it was strange for me, though it’s better now. And the tiny everyday things were also complicated, like cooking and doing laundry by myself. Doing Erasmus is a perfect way to improve the skills for my everyday life!

How do you spend your free time?

I love traveling! I did it before Erasmus but I took some trips while living in the Czech Republic. Because of its location, the country is a perfect place for traveling either within the country, or outside. Also, I played table tennis in Hungary and I’m lucky because I got to know some Czech players and that´s why I could continue my trainings here. When I have some free time, I just open the map of Europe - sometimes not just Europe - on the internet and I start planning a trip somewhere. There are so many places I would like to visit. Some of them are closer to the Czech Republic than to Hungary so I should explore them now, during my Erasmus.

What is the single most memorable experience you have had from your Erasmus life so far?

It’s a difficult question because I have a lot of good memories that I will remember forever! Maybe my best Erasmus experience is my first couch-surfing experience with Portuguese friends of mine, Carolina and Leonor. We spent fantastic four days in Munich, Germany. We walked around the entire city and because it was my second time in there, it was not totally new for me, but this was still the most enjoyable trip. It was our first couch-surfing experience and everything was perfect. I think this kind of trips can make friendships forever.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

Of course! I think every one of us have changed somehow during Erasmus. I have changed also as I have tried living without my family and friends. I guess that´s the most difficult for me now – at first, I never felt homesick but now it´s changing and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger. For me, living with several students from different countries, having different cultures and religions, can be eye-opening. I learned a lot from other foreign students, for example to respect other cultures more. I made some really deep friendships with the other Erasmus students, which, I hope, will survive my return back home.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I guess that I can understand different cultures and religions. In my opinion, it is very important not to be too conservative and judgemental. Everyone should be opened-minded when interacting with others, that’s one of the main purposes of the Erasmus programme, I think. I hope my Erasmus experience has changed me for good and I will continue having this view for the rest of my life!

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Of course! I really enjoy my time here and I can’t complain about anything. I think that all the services of the faculty are perfect for the Erasmus students. Even the city itself is awesome, I really enjoy being part of Olomouc! When I was in Hungary at Christmas, I met one of my professors and he asked me if I could participate in an Erasmus meeting next year whose goal will be to popularize the Erasmus+ programme among our students. I happily agreed and I honestly can’t wait. It will be honour to promote the Palacký University and the city of Olomouc!

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using five adjectives, which ones would you use?

Perfect, instructive, unrepeatable, memorable, unforgettable!


Faezeh Pakravan

Faezeh Pakravan is an Erasmus+ Ph.D. student from Kharazmi University of Tehran and this is her second semester at the Faculty of Physical Culture. She has arrived with her husband to experience a different culture and to collect data for her dissertation thesis focused on the effect of lower extremity ratio on kinematic in counter-movement jump.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

When our faculty was making the registration of the students for Erasmus program in the Czech Republic, I was interested in doing data collection for my thesis in the laboratory of the Palacký University Olomouc with a supervisor from the Sport Biomechanics department.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Not much except that I thought that this city is a touristic city and we would not have any problems communicating, but when we arrived, I realized it is a small city where everything is only in Czech. For example, when we were buying a tram ticket after our arrival, the ticket machine was just in one language: Czech! Also, in some coffee shops, I was confused with the Czech menu or in supermarkets, there is no English on the food labels. It was hard for me to connect to the internet to translate everything. From time to time, I didn’t know what I was eating! At the beginning, some things were difficult but now it’s ok.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

I think it is a great experience and I have been enjoying working with both students and teachers. I’m very happy I could do some parts of my thesis in Olomouc and I could participate in the courses I wanted. I was lucky that my husband could come with me and we have been going on trips around Europe together. I’m glad to get to know some students like Mr Tomas and Ms Delisa as well as kind teachers, especially Dr Svoboda and Ms Tereza!

What was/is your favourite course and why?

Physical Activity of Older Adults with Dr Roberson because the class subject matter was practical and beneficial and the professor was active and energetic.

Also English with Ms Tereza because sometimes in the class we speak about the differences between countries, cultures, food, laws and so on and I find this so interesting. Also the class subject matter is very useful for me as a student as well as a tourist. Furthermore, these two teachers are kind and patient so they are my favourite teachers in Olomouc.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

I like challenges because they make me stronger, however, there are some challenges due to the distance and different culture. For me, the biggest challenge was to get used to the noisy students in the dormitory. Another one as I have already mentioned, is the fact that almost everything is in Czech.

How do you spend your free time?

At the weekends, my husband and I often go for a walk and sometimes participate in some events or go on trips. Other times we stay in the dormitory and study or watch movies.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

My most memorable experience is participating in some classes with my friends from all around the world. It is amazing and I have been really enjoying it.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

I guess that I have learnt a lot about various cultures, religions, cuisines, history and I have become more flexible and adapted to different kinds of situations like being far from my family and living in a dormitory with students from all around the world.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

It is great for my CV, especially my participation in the international Teaching Week. I feel fortunate to collect the data for my thesis at Palacký University. I also got new knowledge in some courses that would be useful for my teaching job in the future and I have also had fun new experiences because of the trips with friends and the new relationships.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Yes, I would, it is a good university to work on your articles and to gain some memorable experiences with students, friends and professors.


Assaf Avraham Peleg

The summer semester 2020 was full of challenges for everyone, including our international students, as the COVID-19 stroke and the whole Erasmus+ programme changed rapidly. Assaf Peleg, our international student from Wingate Academic College in Israel, went through the whole experience but has nothing but positive memories. In this interview, he is talking about his unusual study stay in the Czech Republic and how beneficial it eventually was.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

When I checked my possibilities, I compared the study programs and courses of various universities, their geographic location, facilities for students such as dorms, canteens and so on, and also the recommendations of people who had an experience with those institutions. After looking at different universities in different locations, I figured that Palacký University Olomouc is the perfect choice for me and I am very happy about my decision.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Of course, not everything was as I expected. It was somewhat different from what I had imagined but not a whole lot. The facilities, dorms, transportation, some of the management, and few more things were different, but it only took some time to get used to it. It was no better or worse than what I had expected, just different. It was not difficult to adapt and overall it was all good and I learned to like the place very easily.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

Actually, it is very difficult to compare. It is different in many aspects, the number of students in classes in Israel is a lot bigger, which requires different teaching techniques and methods of course management, which I have to say is not better or worse, only fit for different conditions. A good thing, which I have to say about the relatively small number of students in class in Palacký University, is that it creates a possibility for more active participation and practical experience during the courses. In addition, I like the way the teachers encouraged us to get to the core of the topic and to learn it through our own ideas, interests and creativity. The facilities, canteen and dorms are also very different; it took me a little time to get used to the possibility of ordering food from the website, or coming to the canteen and finding out that the food is available only during lunch hours. I enjoyed the study process and learning experience in Palacký and I learned a lot from the differences between the two institutions.

What was/is your favourite course and why?

It is very difficult to pick one course that I liked the most, there were a few courses which were taught in different ways and with different contents, and they all were very good. As I wrote above, in most of them we had the possibility to study the topics creatively, which gave me a wonderful learning experience. For example, in the courses of Julie Wittmanová, who teaches the topics of physical activity of elderly people and people with disabilities, she let us make the presentations on our chosen topic among this general field and to teach the class about it by presenting and creating a practical activity which should demonstrate the examples of working methods and activities. I felt that it was the best way to learn for me and to enjoy the learning experience in the course. I can say that in addition to the courses taught by Julie, who is a wonderful person and a very good teacher, other courses such as English for International Students, International Dimensions, and Balance training in Kinesiotherapy were also very good and I feel that I gained an excellent experience and knowledge in all of them.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

As we all know, this time the Erasmus stay was different: along to the typical thing that one has to adapt to when living in a foreign country, there was the global COVID-19 crisis, which eventually also arrived to the Czech Republic. The uncertainty and quarantines that it caused, were not easy, especially in the beginning. After about 6 weeks in the Czech Republic, it all started very fast, we did not know if stores will be closed for a long time and if we will be able to use the basic services such as public transportation, shops and even grocery stores. Experiencing such a situation is not easy in general, and for most of us, it might be even more difficult while living in a foreign country. I felt pretty much everyone around me worried about this issue but we dealt with it together (the people who chose to stay), supporting and helping each other and I think this is the best way to deal with any kind of crisis.
Besides this situation, I had to of course adapt to the difference in management, language, transportation, procedures, and other related issues, but I take it as a positive experience overall. I think that this experience gave the others and me better tools for dealing with issues in life and more importantly, we became friends for life as we were together in a challenging and very extraordinary situation. We got through this together by making this crisis a challenge; we managed to deal with it successfully and to make it a good experience after all.

How do you spend your free time?

In the beginning, I was participating in all the social activities and trips with the other students, which was a great fun and a unique experience, which I had for the first time in my life. However, it lasted only for slightly more than a month, as the COVOID-19 issue arose and it looked like things were going south. When the ordinary Erasmus+ and study abroad times changed as a result of this crisis, most of the things I wanted to do were not available, so I spent my time hiking in nature next to my faculty (fortunately there is a lot of nature around), training and shooting outdoors and meeting with other students. Of course, besides that I was studying and I also used the time to make progress in my assignments. After things got gradually better, I started to travel again in the Czech Republic, met more friends from other dorms and visited more places I liked and which became available again, such as shooting ranges, pubs and restaurants that we used to visit before the Corona quarantine, natural sites, etc. I see it, I took the best I could out of the conditions of the situation and had slightly strange but overall good times.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

It is very difficult to pick only one best memory, but if I must choose one to briefly talk about, it would be our common meal we organised after the Corona crisis was mostly over. After we finally could be together as a group and almost all the limitations and restrictions were over, we organised a meeting in Envelopa dorms and met all together for a big meal, with music, and every good thing we needed and missed during the quarantine. Yair, Hadas, Shay, me, and a few more students from other countries bought groceries and made Israeli food together (Humus, Falafel, Shaksuka, Musaka, Pitta, etc.), and put large amounts of it on the big table in the common space. We opened this evening for everyone and eventually, there were about 40 students participating. Even though there were more people than expected, there was more than enough food for everyone and we all agreed that it was the best! More than the tasty food, the most exciting thing was that we all met after more than 3 months and that was the time we felt how much we had missed each other. It was one of the most exciting, fun, and amazing events in my life, even if it was so simple and it does not sound like anything special, it was beyond words. The mood and spirit were very special; we did not feel the time passing by. I talked to so many people but still felt very close to each and every one, even to people that I saw only once or twice before. It is impossible to describe the real experience; I think only the people who were there would understand. I think that our common trips and things we did together in the beginning, the crisis that came after it and the freedom we gained back after such a long time, all of this contributed a lot to the situation. We had a lot in common and it felt like we could understand and connect with each other, even though most of us did not know each other very well. It was a very rare but special and wonderful thing, somewhat like a dream.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

I feel that the Erasmus experience did not really change me as a person but did contribute a lot to my life experience and made me learn about myself and learn how to adapt new perspectives. It helped me to realize what is really important in life. The spirit and attitude I experienced and was exposed to during studying abroad, gave me very important values and experience that I would have never gained in other situations or conditions. I take it with me in my heart and I feel that Olomouc became a second home for me and I know it might sound weird but I feel like a part of my soul is still there and it will be a part of me forever. I know I will come back there for sure and I am looking forward to the next adventure and experience there to come.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

The Erasmus experience definitely may contribute to my future career, whether I choose to work only in my home country (I doubt that), to continue studying or maybe to even work and live abroad in the future. This experience gave me the clue of what the life in a country in central Europe is like and I certainly like it a lot. I can see myself studying my PhD at Palacký University and maybe even living in the Czech Republic in the future. I think that the fact I am considering studying there says a lot about my experience and what a great value it has. As I said, even if I eventually will not choose to study or to live in the Czech Republic, this experience gave me new tools and attitudes to work with and to adapt to, which might be useful in my future career. During my stay, I improved my English language, which is also important for my future, and this experience provided me with a lifetime comrades to cooperate and to work with, whether it is from my home country or directly from the Czech Republic.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

I definitely recommend studying at the Faculty of Physical Culture of Palacký University Olomouc to everyone who is serious and wants to advance in their study career, to get good professional background and knowledge and more importantly, to develop their creativity, to have an interesting and fun experience and of course to enjoy a great time with wonderful people. From my experience, Palacký University offers the combination of all the above and the fact that I am considering to study my PhD there, says a lot.

In conclusion...

In conclusion, it is very difficult and almost impossible to compress this great experience in one interview; all I can say is WOW! Never had I imagined that I would have such a unique and wonderful experience. It will always be one of my best times in life, during which I learnt a lot about myself and got friends for life. The emotional and spiritual impacts on me are far beyond words and of course they are a lot more significant than the technical aspect of the professional and academic experience (which is also a part of it and of course, it is very positive). I am very grateful that I took this once in a lifetime opportunity. As I previously mentioned, I will be back, because this amazing thing cannot be over for me and no matter how long it will take for me come back, I know it will eventually happen! Although in the beginning, it looked like my experience is finished because of the Corona crisis, it was not and I think it was still the best, despite everything.
It is also important to emphasize how good the environment and conditions are in Olomouc and what a great potential there is in this program and place, even in hard times. I more than recommend everyone who can and who is ready for such an experience to take the chance and go for it without hesitating! I am positive that after you do so, you will understand how right it is and what an amazing time and experience it can be. As I said, beyond words.


Marco Picco

Marco Picco is a PE-and-Sport-Science student from the University of Turin in Italy and he has been with us for the second semester already. In his own words, he loves “sports (of course), movies that nobody else likes, meeting people from different cultural backgrounds, travelling the world, cooking, always looking for new food, seeking for alternative ways of living life, always moving, never staying in one place…” And now let´s find out what he loves about Olomouc.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

For many different reasons: the great position in central Europe, it´s perfect for cheap travelling, the fact that the university offered cheap accommodation in the dorms, the kindness and availability the university employees showed towards me (especially Zuzana Hanelová), the fact that Olomouc is a true university city and everything is student friendly, the fact that the city is not small but not chaotic either, and also the interesting offer of classes taught in English.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

It seems hard to believe but I came to this country with no expectations at all, ready to accept every experience that would come to me. Also, I did a lot of research about Olomouc and the university in particular, this way I already had at least an idea about what I was going to find here.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

The classes at Palacký University, at least the ones I attended, are held for no more than 20 people most of the times. This small amount of students makes for a more active class, in contrast with the frontal lectures typical of my university in Turin, attended by up to 250 students at a time. Here the relationship with the teachers is better in my opinion, both for the small classes but most of all because of their attitude which is way more laid-back. Here the discussion of topics in class is something that we do on a daily basis, while in Italy I never experienced that. The active participation in class is always taken into account for attribution of grades at the end of the semester. One last thing is that in Italy classes are more based on the theory and on studying while here subjects are approached more on the application of what you learn in class, making it feel like you are learning less, regarding the amount of information, but also feeling like the things learned are immediately applicable in real life situations.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

For me, coming here was a big change because not only it was my first time living abroad but also the first time living on my own, since back in Italy I was living with my parents. I have to admit that moving here was not a challenge at all. What scared me most initially was that I was not going to be able to build friendship with the people here like the ones I have back home but then I found some amazing people here with whom I had unforgettable experiences. The dorm life was not a challenge ether.  I got used to sharing spaces and things really fast and my roommate became one of my closest friends, the person I can always count on.

How did you spend your free time?

Being used to Turin, one of the most important cities in Italy regarding nightclubs and electronic music, I was a bit underwhelmed about the club scene of Olomouc, which is quite poor. On the other hand, I was surprised by the amount of pubs, cafes and restaurants where you can just go with a few friends, have a couple of beers and a good chat. There are also quite a few English friendly events like stand up comedy shows, small independent movie festivals and theatre plays. Many pubs also have live music or just people bringing their guitar so that all of the people there can just start singing along. Most of these things take place during weekdays since the local students leave town already on Thursdays to go back home for the weekends, leaving the city quite empty and with not much to do. Therefore, during these days of the week people rather relax, for example by taking walks in the many beautiful parks that surround the centre of the city, or take trips out of town, usually visiting the neighbouring countries.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

It has to be my second trip to Prague that I had with the people that later became my closest friends here (Riccardo, Chiara, Mattia and Matteo). From the start, we immediately knew that we all connected and we were on the same page all the time. For me that was probably the most fun trip of the semester and probably also the luckiest since everything from the start till the end just fell into place.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

This is one thing that only people back home will be able to judge. On my side, I can say that this experience made me grow a lot, now I feel stronger and more able to face life, I am aware of what I’m able to do. Erasmus makes you understand that a lot more than you think is possible and boundaries don’t exist. Being alone in a foreign country puts you to test. You have to face hundreds of challenges without friends and family there to support you.  You experience things that only in these special conditions are possible and you have to be aware that sadly only the people that shared the same reality will understand. Here the time passes extremely fast but at the same time small portions of it feel like a lifetime.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

Erasmus made me face with an international environment, so stimulating that in the future I will try to seek for something similar also for a job career. The social skills and the level acquired in the English language will help me be competitive in every field of my life, not only in a possible future career.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

I would definitely recommend this faculty to each one of my friends. The practical classes offer is better in my opinion than the one back in Italy, with classes like outdoor sports, climbing and martial arts that are not found in the offer of any Italian university, I guess. I would suggest, though, taking the big theoretical subjects (anatomy, physiology, psychology) back in Italy where the quality of teaching these is higher, I think.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

Meaningful, unforgettable, Intense, unexpected, life-changing.

Francesco Serra

In our series of interviews, we are also introducing some international students who are studying at our faculty this semester. First of them is Francesco Serra. He came from the Faculty of Physical Culture, University of Turin in Italy and his study programme is Adapted physical activity. He has been with us for the second semester and he likes sport, travelling and art.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I chose to do my Erasmus at this university because last year there was a Slovak girl on Erasmus in my class coming from Palacký University of Olomouc and she talked very nicely about the city and the university in general. I wanted to choose an Erasmus destination different from Spain, which is the most common for Italian students, and try to have a different experience.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Yes indeed, I did not imagine that the faculty would have such cutting-edge tools and facilities.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

I think there are many differences in the relationships with the teachers which is totally different from what I have in Italy. The courses are made up of fewer students and thus the atmosphere in the classrooms is more intimate and I find generally much willingness and desire to help in general. The teachers can be helpful if the issues are not understood or in case of any problem. In addition, there is a good balance between the theoretical lectures and the practical classes where you can try what you have studied. In Olomouc, there are more tasks and projects to do each week and also the class attendance and participation matter. In Italy, on the other hand, we do fewer projects and our attendance is not always obligatory in all the courses. However, the exams in my home university are more complex and require much more material to study from.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

The coexistence in the dormitory. It is not always easy because you find yourself living with guys you do not know and it can be hard in a very restricted environment such as the dormitory. If you are not used to living with other boys, it can be complicated. It is also tough to follow lessons entirely in English and carry out projects and tasks in the foreign language.

How do you spend your free time?

I am used to spending my free time doing sports so I go to the gym or swimming pool, besides doing household chores such as doing the laundry, cleaning and cooking. :)

What is the single most memorable experience you have had from your Erasmus life so far?

There were many beautiful experiences, for example at the end of the Successful Ageing and Physical Culture course where we did physical activity with a group of seniors. We did a project that had been created with some of them where we became an important part of their weekly routine and we had to overcome the initial difficulties since we did not speak Czech. I remember the trips organized with their colleagues and the good relationships that we established with some of them. And also the winter camp where for the first time I took a ski course entirely in Czech and learned how to teach children with different disabilities.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

I think I became more tolerant of many things, I got involved in activities and improved my presentation skills and spoken English. But above all, I guess I learned a different way to look at things, to find new solutions and be more open-minded.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I believe that this experience has given me the opportunity to get to know a lot of young people like me from all over the world and also to confront ideas and different ways of thinking that have helped me grow as a person and to change the way I see various situations. I tried many things in the practical field and I think this will help me in my future career.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

I would recommend it because the university has a lot of facilities and new equipment to practice and learn. The courses are well-organized with not only theoretical classes but also practical seminars. The city is very beautiful, not too big and you can easily find your way here and move around.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using five adjectives, which ones would you use?

Interesting, unique, fun, useful, educational.

Jacopo Di Vanno

Jacopo Di Vanno came to the Czech Republic from Italy and has been studying at Palacký University for five months now, with another semester ahead. Although Palacký University was his second choice for exchange programme, he says he definitely does not regret his decision of coming here. Read more to find out why!

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

To be honest, Palacký University Olomouc was my second choice. I could not find all the courses I wanted to attend because in Olomouc, Sport Science is more involved in Measurement and Adapted Physical Activity but leaving that aside (and also the bureaucracy and paperwork), if I reflect deeply on what the first semester gave me, I can say that I made the right choice coming here!

Were your expectations different from the reality?

I did not have any expectations. I left my city without knowing anything (except of course the basic information like the name of the dormitory, the courses I chose and the academic calendar). I just thought: “Ok, Olomouc will be the last year of my Master’s degree, let’s do it!”

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

One of the differences I found, and I really liked it, is that here the lessons are made with less students than in Italy. The quality of the teaching, like everywhere, depends on the attitude, love and interest of the teacher. Here, I have met good teachers and as I told one of them, I am very glad to have learnt what “curiosity” is – in my personal opinion it is the basis of study.

What is your favourite course and why?

My favourite course of the winter semester was Wellness and Fitness. The teacher is one of the best I have ever had, the syllabus is very detailed and connected to our, maybe, future profession. With this course, I have learnt that I cannot be superficial in this career and neither in life. Physical activity and sport in general are science fields and they should always be treated that way because it changes people’s health and their lives.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

My biggest challenge I think was to face the distance. I am a lucky guy because I have made important work experiences all over the world (Beirut, Bruge, Kiev, Liege, Moscow), but it was my first living-abroad experience. I was used to having my family, my friends, my routine with me. Deciding to leave meant going outside of my comfort zone but I recommend this to everyone, not only to students. Another challenge was to face one of my weaknesses: the English language. I studied English previously but now I realize how important it is to be considered a part of this world.

How do you spend your free time?

I usually spend my free time by playing football. Here, I was able to find some contacts and have trainings with the Futsal Team of University SK UPOL, I took part in some trainings with two different teams and I am trying now to get registered in order to play more. Otherwise, I like to read some books in my free time, go to the gym, to clean my house (room), to go out for conversations, maybe to have a good coffee... And I take some time to make an order in my life in general because sometimes we do things only because others do them.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

My best memory of this first semester is the trip organized by ESN (I recommend you to follow them because they are very nice, they organize always interesting things to do) to Tatra Mountains in Slovakia. Nature, hiking, good moments, good group, it was very special for me!

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

I think that I have changed, because this was that moment for me – the moment to change and I was able to capture it. I have changed because now I know more about myself. I have changed because sharing a flat with other 4/5 people (sometimes more) of course changes you. The hardest thing is to notice it but I am sure that every student at the end of the Erasmus+ period could say that they have changed!

How can this experience benefit your future career?

This experience will give me lots of benefits, first of all, confidence in my language skills. I feel that now I can go everywhere and everyone will understand me speaking in English. Another benefit is my attitude because I feel more involved in changes; I developed the ability of problem solving, I am more responsible and focused on my goal.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

I would recommend Palacký University Olomouc to all my friends. Olomouc is a true student city. Transportations, building, libraries, facilities, they are all very functional and it is full of places to discover. History, art and music, Olomouc has it all.

In conclusion...

If you are a student and you are asking yourself whether to go study abroad or not, the solution is of course to GO!


Kirara Iwasa

Next international student in our series of interviews is Kirara Iwasa. She came from Japan, from Faculty of Sport Science, Nippon Sport Science University. She likes travelling, watching movies, cooking, foreign language learning, puzzles or learning about new cultures. Does she enjoy studying in Olomouc?

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

First of all, my university in Japan and Palacký University have a study partnership. I was interested in the differences in the classes between Japan and the Czech Republic and also, since I had never been to Europe before, I thought it would be a great opportunity to try new things and then I wanted to contribute to my home university with this study abroad experience.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

There weren’t such big differences. However, I had some difficulties because of the language, which was harder than I expected. Also, I was surprised that each faculty of the Palacký University is situated in a different building.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

The biggest difference is the number of international students and that for Erasmus students, there are classes taught in English. Also, I don’t have to take a tram when I need to go to the stadium. The classes at Palacký University are mainly organized in small groups which means there are many opportunities to actively participate during the class by doing couple or group work. Compared to my Japanese university, where I had a lot of exams, I have more assignments rather than exams here.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

To adapt to a completely new situation and the fact that almost all of the environment around me has changed. I had to make new friends from the very beginning and I had difficulties with not only English but also with Czech. Moreover, it was hard for me not to keep in touch with my family because of the 7-8hour time difference.

How do you spend your free time?

I often sleep because I like to do it. I also go on trips with my friends from time to time and talk on Skype with my family or friends in Japan.

What is the single most memorable experience you have had from your Erasmus life so far?

The day when I had to say goodbye to my friends. Even though we spent just a few months being together, it was so sad and difficult because they were like a family for me.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

Of course, I think that all my experience throughout this Erasmus stay has changed me a lot.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I can’t say exactly at the moment but I am sure that I will definitely use this experience in the future.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Yes of course, that’s why I was chosen to study at Palacký University in the first place. :-)

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 words, which ones would you use?

Grateful / Proud/ Satisfied/ Trouble/ LOVE.

Takuya Takayama

Have you ever wondered why international students choose to come to Olomouc? Takuya Takayama, a Japanese student from Nippon Sport Science University, told us his reasons for spending a whole year at Palacký University and shared with us how this experience changed him. He says it even benefited his future career prospects. Read the interview with Takuya to find out more.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I had three reasons to go there. Firstly, Palacký University is a partner institution of my university, so it was easy for me to apply, and their lessons are in English, which could help me improve my English. Secondly, I wanted to study more about the field of adapted physical activity and Palacký University has many great teachers who specialize in this. And finally, it is easy and cheap to travel from Czech Republic to many European countries because it is in the centre of Europe.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

There is one thing I can think of, but this is not about Palacký University – it is about the weather. Before leaving Japan, I heard that Czech winter is very cold, so I brought some warm clothes for winter. However, the winter was fortunately not so cold. Actually, it was kind of warm, which surprised me.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

The number of students who attend classes is different. Our university has some classes, where there is 100 students, so it is difficult to communicate with a professor but classes at Palacký University are not like that. There are not many people in the class, so it is easy to communicate. And I felt that Palacký University‘s professors are more friendly than ours. Maybe that is because I communicated with professors there more often than during my studies in Japan.

What was your favourite course and why?

Introduction to APA and English language are my favourite courses. Introduction to APA offered me several opportunities to get to know the adapted physical activities better. For instance, teaching swimming to children with disabilities and teaching Paralympic sports to local junior high school students were both experiences, which were very interesting but tough for me. I was a swimmer when I was in high school so I can teach swimming, but understanding a disabled child’s situation is not simple. I realized I have to study this field more deeply. During that time, I tried to do my best but thinking about it now I think I could have done more. Teaching Paralympic sports to local junior high school students presented another challenge for me. I could see that some students are interested in the subject, some are not and I felt the lack of my teaching ability, but overall I enjoyed that experience entirely.
English language course helped me improve my English – I especially liked conversation classes. In each class, we discussed different topics, so I could learn many things. In addition, I could get to know the perspective and situation of students from other countries. If you want to improve your English, you should definitely take it.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

Making presentations in English was the biggest challenge for me, because my university exams are usually written tests, so I did not have the experience with presentations so much. Moreover, the presentations were not in Japanese, they were in English and that made me very nervous. At first, I compared my presentation to the others, but gradually I changed my mindset, stopped doing that and tried to focus on doing my best and enjoying it instead. Now I am happy I went through this experience.

How did you spend your free time?

Usually I went to the gym and worked out. Sometimes I went there with my friends and we worked out together. During weekends and long holidays, I went to trips with my friends. It is very easy to go to other countries by any transportation and it is very cheap. Looking back at it now, I miss those moments so much. I remember the first time I crossed the border by train and bus - it felt so weird, because Japan is not connected to any other country by boarders. For me, in order to travel to other countries I always had to take a plane, but now I got used to travelling by any transportation.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

This question is a really difficult one. Probably travelling to Budapest in Hungary is the most memorable experience for me. After finishing the all exams, I went there with my friends. It is such a beautiful place. We visited many places like the castle, hot springs, etc. We were relaxed and had a great time there. I definitely want to go to Budapest again in the future.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

I hope so. I think I became more independent, because during that time, I had to take care of myself all alone. Furthermore, my English level improved. After coming back to Japan, I took an online English test and the score was higher, which makes me more motivated to study English. Finally, my cooking skills became better. Sometimes we did a party in the dormitory, where many people brought their food. I ate other countries’ traditional meals and that gave me a lot of inspiration and ideas. Now I cook dinner every day.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

The presentations in English were good for my future career, I guess. I want to work in a company, where I would have an opportunity to work with people from other countries, which means I would have to speak English often. So before working in such company, I am very happy to go through this experience, which helped me prepare for that and helped me improve my English so much.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Absolutely yes, because the study exchange offered me so many good experiences that I may not have the chance to go through in Japan. And both the students, who came from various countries, and the teachers, who were in the classes, helped to broaden my mind. If it is possible in the future, I really want to go there again.

In conclusion…

This experience is one of the best moments for me. Time flew when I studied there. If you want to enjoy studying and travelling, the Czech Republic is the best destination. Please do not miss out on such a great opportunity.


Shaheera Ajmal

Besides two master programmes taught in English (Adapted Physical Activity and Physical Activity and Active Living), the Faculty of Physical Culture also offers one PhD programme for international students, Kinanthropology. There are currently four students studying this programme full-time and two more students decided to enrol in the combined form. Today we bring you an interview with Shaheera Ajmal from Pakistan, who is a second year student of Kinanthropology.

Why did you decide to study a doctoral programme at Palacký University Olomouc?

I was at Palacký University first as an Erasmus student from Belgium (editor´s note: Shaheera studied International Master in Adapted Physical Activity in Leuven which is a programme in partnership between the KU Leuven and Palacký University Olomouc) and I liked everything here. After that, I got an offer to do a PhD here, so it was a great opportunity for me and I decided to apply. I interacted with some professors and faculty members of the university while I was on the exchange programme and all of them were so supportive, which made me decide to come here.

Did you find it difficult to go through the admission procedure?

Not at all. I think it was the easiest application procedure and the coordinators made it even more easier. Everything was clearly explained on the university website and there were not very strict requirements for application, unlike some other universities.

Can you describe the first months of your study at the Faculty of Physical Culture? What were the biggest challenges you had to overcome? What surprised you most?

I still remember the time when I was preparing to come here. I was a bit worried but once I reached Olomouc, everything was great. My coordinator helped me with everything, from getting a tram pass to opening a bank account. I think the only challenge that I have to face here is the language barrier. Most people don´t want to speak in English even if they know the language. They are too shy to speak.

Are you satisfied with the study?

Yes, I am. Everything is planned in the programme and there is also some flexibility to choose the courses for each year of study.

Are the teachers and other staff helpful?

Very much.  Everyone is so supportive and helpful, they are always willing to help me whenever I have any issue. And the professors are really smart and intelligent.

Are you happy with the facilities and the library?

The atmosphere at the faculty is very pleasant and the labs are very advanced, equipped with new technology and devices. I can find almost all the books related to my research field in the faculty library. For some of the physical activities, there is a separate building, AC Baluo, and we can use these facilities with a student membership. I really like the swimming pool and gym there.

How do you like living in the dormitories? What do you think about the campus and the canteen? 

I really love Neředín dorms, I feel like at home there. And the great thing is that it’s just next to my faculty, so I don’t have to use any kind of public transport to get to the faculty every day. The dorms are new and they are cleaned by the cleaners regularly. The food in the canteen is tasty and very cheap so mostly I don’t cook lunch because I like to have lunch in menza (university canteen).

Do you get any financial support from the faculty?

Yes, I am receiving a monthly scholarship (J. L. Fischer Grant) which covers my tuition fees.

Do you consider Olomouc a good place to live and study? Is it safe? What about the costs?

I think Olomouc is the best place to live, it’s very safe and peaceful. It’s can also get very lively during the week but at the weekends, it´s mostly quiet because most of the Czech students go back to their homes. I really like going for a walk in the centre and enjoying the environment when it’s quiet.

Overall, the Czech Republic is cheap and Olomouc, because it’s not a big city, is even cheaper. Nothing is expensive here, like food, rent, public transport...

Would you recommend the Faculty of Physical Culture to future students? Why?

Obviously, it’s a good choice if someone wants to continue in the research field. The faculty is well developed and it is developing more and more thanks to new devices, advanced technology and interesting research ideas.

If you had to describe your experience with studying at the Faculty of Physical Culture in Olomouc using five words, which ones would you use?

Peaceful, positive, enlightening, fun, friends/memories.


Aleksandra Jamrozik

Aleksandra Jamrozik, a master’s student of Academy of Physical Culture in Warsaw, Poland, has recently stayed at our faculty within the Erasmus+ study programme. Although Poland is our neighbouring country and is in many aspects very similar to the Czech Republic, Aleksandra says she has actually learnt various new things and made lots of new friends during her stay here and she says that thanks to all that, Olomouc made her feel right at home.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I chose Palacký University because my friend went there before and she loved it and recommended it to me. Another reason was that it was my first Erasmus stay, so the Czech Republic was an ideal choice – it is right next to my country and has kind of a similar culture. Moreover, Palacký University offers interesting courses, which correspond to those in my country

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Thanks to my friend, I imagined that this university and Olomouc would be very good and it was true. Polish and Czech cultures, languages and cuisines are very similar, so I felt almost like at home. All facilities were very close to the dormitory and faculty, so I was very surprised – also because I did not have to waste my time in the traffic jams. Therefore, I am not disappointed and the reality even exceeded my expectations.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

I think that studying in Olomouc was a pleasure. I really like the fact that the professors were very nice and you could talk to them – of course, you need to do that during most lessons and to be able to do your homework – but if you have some kind of problem they are happy to help you. Another advantage is that in Olomouc, I had a combination of theory and practice – and that is so different, because at my university we usually have only the theoretical part of the classes.

What was your favourite course and why?

I do not know if I can choose one. Probably the best courses were Outdoor and Lifestyle Sports and Successful Ageing and Physical Culture but of course, the other courses were also perfect! I chose Outdoor and Lifestyle Sports because I have learned and tried many new things, such as skateboarding, slack lining, climbing and since I like all kinds of sports, it was the perfect course with very positive teachers and a lot of fun. In Successful Ageing, I have learned a lot of things like how to treat older people, how to practice with them – it was a practical part, and the advantage was that the teacher was from the USA, so I could hear about his culture, listen to his English and it was really interesting.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

For me the biggest challenge was to be open to people and believe in my language skills. But I did it and in the end it was not even that difficult. Another challenge was getting used to living in the dormitory and sharing a room with other people. I have never had to live in the dorm before, so it was a new experience for me. I also really like silence and privacy, so I was afraid of this but after all, I can say that it was very enjoyable. I have fond memories of the time in the dormitories.

How did you spend your free time?

I spent my free time mainly with my boyfriend but I also met some new friends with whom we went for a beer and to the clubs. I also spent a lot of time running or doing other exercises and of course travelling. We went for many one-day trips. In my opinion Olomouc is a perfect place from which to travel not only to another city in the Czech Republic but also to another country. They have great transport connections, so you can comfortably travel around.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

That would be probably from when I tried climbing. I was really afraid of it but it was fun and even though I have a little fear of heights, maybe in the future I will try it again. However, I think that it is hard to talk about only one most memorable experience, because all the moments during my Erasmus stay were wonderful and unforgettable.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

I think I am more confident now or at least I hope so. And I believe that I can speak better English now. Moreover, I think that I am more spontaneous than before and more laid back thanks to this experience.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

It could probably help if I wanted to have a job with English, because it was a great opportunity to use it and get better at it. I think that employers usually consider your experience abroad and your ability to live in another country; and they value it.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Yes! As I said before, studying there is a great opportunity to see what the courses can look like from the practical perspective. I would also recommend it because the buildings are very modern and nice. The Faculty of Physical Culture is located near the dormitory, in a good location, and has a sports complex with swimming pool, gym and other amenities.

In conclusion…

I can really recommend this place. The university is great, the dormitory too. I experienced no problems during my stay because everyone was helpful and kind. In addition, Olomouc as a city is very charming, nice and quiet place. You definitely must see it!

Monika Zawilska

For today´s interview, we have questioned Monika Zawilska, a physiotherapy student from Poznań University of Physical Education in Poland. She loves water sports, adores all animals and, apparently, she is fond of Olomouc too…

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I chose studying at Palacký University, as I have honestly never heard of Olomouc before. I thought it would be exciting to move for one semester to a completely new place and to discover and explore it on my own, without any previous experience or recommendations from my friends. The study programme has offered completely different classes than my home university, so I took it as an opportunity to learn something new.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Actually not really. Olomouc and the university turned out to be exactly as I imagined. Polish and Czech cultures, languages and cuisine are very similar, so I felt at home. All teachers were very welcoming and helpful and that’s how I imagined and hoped my semester abroad would look like. I was surprised how close all facilities and faculty buildings were. It was a pleasant experience not to be stuck in the traffic jam everyday! I was also positively surprised with the quality of service and food at Menza in Neředín - the staff was really friendly and the food was delicious, making the students feel like it’s a one big family meal that we are sharing. I didn’t expect it to be so good, as I had bad experiences with canteens overall.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

The Palacký University itself reminds me a lot of my home university. The architecture, the infrastructure weren’t much different from where I study in Poznań. However, as I already mentioned, the study program was absolutely different. Back home, my courses are only focused on physiotherapy, whereas here, apart from doing the clinical practice at the RRR Centrum and learning different kinesiotherapeutic techniques, I got the opportunity to try out some new things like climbing, artistic gymnastics, rafting, slacklining and many, many more. It was amazing to be able to gain all these skills together with the people from all around the globe. It surely broadened my horizons and helped me see the world from a different perspective.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

I think the biggest challenge was getting used to living in the dormitory and sharing the flat with six other people. I have never had to live in the dorm before as Poznań, the city where I currently study, is also a city where I originally come from, therefore there was no need to move out to a shared flat. I really value my privacy, silence and tidiness and unfortunately those values not always come together with living with a bunch of other people. I think that was the biggest challenge I had to face when I moved to Olomouc. But they say – have you really been a student if you haven’t lived in a dorm at least once in your life?

How did you spend your free time?

I tried my best to spend the free time in the most active way as possible. I went on hikes with friends, we played laser tag, practiced yoga in the park or went to relax by the lake. On the days when I felt like I need a moment for myself away from the crowds, I would just let my legs guide me wherever they wanted to go, among those cozy streets of Olomouc Old Town - I found it really relaxing to be able to discover tiny cafes, romantic parks, architectural gems and just get lost for a moment. Then in the evenings I would go grab dinner with my friends and enjoy the city at night.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

I think the most memorable experience was Orientation Week and all social activities that came with it. Some of them required a team work like PubCrawl and it was amazing to do it with a bunch of people from all around the world who I have just met, learn their names and make friends and work hard to make the best memories. Orientation week was memorable as it was a mixture of „the unknown”, excitement, fun, people and freedom.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

I stopped drinking coffee, as surprisingly I was getting enough sleep! It definitely changed me when it comes to having a healthy lifestyle. I was exercising a lot, trying different sport disciplines. I think it changed my mindset and showed me how important is the balance between school, work and social life. I will try to apply this lifestyle to my life back home.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

One of the Erasmus moments that will definitely benefit my future career is taking part in the Hippotherapy class thanks to being a physio student at the Faculty of Physical Culture. We spent the whole day at Ryzáček - the hippotherapy centre nearby Olomouc, learning the therapeutic techniques with the use of a horse. It taught me a lot and reassured me even more that I would like to help the patients in the future by working with animals. I also got to perform a lot of presentations and gave a lecture at the Students’ Minisymposium - I think this experience has a positive influence on improving public speaking skills, which are useful in the researchers’ work.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

I would definitely recommend Palacký University to those of my friends who would like to study abroad but at the same time not far from home. Studying in Olomouc means studying in the modern but cozy environment, with the English speaking teachers who are eager to teach us something new and share their Olomouc life. It means studying in a city, where every fourth person you meet on the street also represents Palacký University and everything within a walking distance, so the whole city becomes your home of which you know every corner. It means being able to improve the language skills, make friends for life and being a part of unique experience.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

Adventurous, beneficial, multicultural, smooth, inexpensive.


Bianca Maria Gorgovan

Looking out of the window at the snowy fields behind the Neředín Campus, we thought it might make you feel a bit warmer to reminisce about May 2021 for a while. It was a very special month for two of our international students, who can proudly call themselves the first graduates of the master’s study programme Physical Activity and Active Living, which has been taught in English at our faculty since 2018. Following the rule “Ladies first”, we will start with an interview with Bianca Maria Gorgovan from Romania, who is an excellent gymnast also enjoying photography, travelling, baking, hiking and winter sports.

Why did you choose to study a master’s degree programme at our faculty?

After my previous Erasmus experience in Finland and France, I knew that I would be inclined toward starting a master’s degree programme taught in English. In the beginning, I moved to the Czech Republic with my boyfriend for only 6 months, working and doing an internship in Prague.

From there on, I was keen to expand my knowledge as a gymnastics coach and to start my master’s degree. The PAAL study programme in Olomouc seemed to have incorporated everything I have been looking for, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to study at this faculty and… it was!

Were your expectations different from reality?

My expectations were close to reality when I first came to Olomouc. The teachers were very supportive and communicative. It was possible to organise engaging individualised lessons, according to our study interests. The International Relations Coordinators were all kind and extremely helpful, answering promptly to all my questions or uncertainties. What exceeded my expectations was the Baluo centre with its modern design and innovative research technology.

What surprised you when you started living in the Czech Republic?

One thing that surprised me in the Czech Republic was that most Czech people I met own a cottage. They visit them often during weekends so that they escape the crowds of big cities. Other things that surprised me are that almost everybody goes for mushroom picking and many inhabitants own a dog.

The natural beauty of the landscape and hiking tracks also impressed me. It has been a very alluring surprise!

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

One similarity between Ovidius and Palacky University is that both programmes offer practical courses, such as ski camp and gymnastics or swimming lessons. Another similarity is the focus of both institutions on the development of adapted physical activity: in Olomouc through the minor in Adapted Physical Education and in Constanta through the Sports for All Federation organised activities.

For me, some differences between these two kinds of study experience are that in Olomouc, I discovered a more intuitive and accessible online students platform, with a clear view of the courses, grades and the programme in general, a more frequent use of the ISIC card and the existence of a student canteen at the faculty where I could go for lunch between classes.
In Romania, on the other hand, while studying in Constanta, I benefited from free transportation by train across the whole country, the faculty was on the Black Sea coast, situated near a beautiful lake, which was wonderful during the warm season, and I was living as well with my family, which generated a different kind of study experience.

What was your favourite course and why?

The Internship in Physical Activity and Active Living was very stimulating as I could incorporate long-term coaching ideas for children gymnasts into a specific and practical framework. In Recreation, Leisure and Active Living I discovered the importance of social health, while during the Successful Aging and Physical Culture class I learned numerous possibilities to engage the elderly to a healthy living. Monitoring of Physical Activity lessons determined me to become more involved in doing sports and provided to me the possibility to monitor my activity with particular devices from the faculty. Sport Pedagogy was also essential for my future work with athletes of all ages. During Motor Control and Learning and Research

Methodology in Health Science classes, I discovered immense knowledge and I found tremendous support for conducting my diploma thesis.

Overall, it would be extremely difficult to pick only one subject, when so many lecturers provided a very captivating learning experience in my two years master’s programme.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as a foreign student at Palacký University?

At the beginning, the language appeared to be the biggest challenge, like for most foreigners coming to the Czech Republic. However, in my opinion, it helps greatly to learn a few words in Czech and try to communicate with the locals. Language classes for foreigners, applications, books or online programmes help considerably to learn the language and integrate better in the country.
How did you spend your free time during your studies?

During my studies, most of my free time was divided between Olomouc, Prague and occasional visits to Romania or other holiday trips. I enjoy spending time in nature, but I equally love big crowded cities, and I accomplished to do both during my two years of study. I visited Pilsen, Kutná Hora, Karlovy Vary, České Budějovice, Český Krumlov and many wonderful castles that I recommend visiting in the Czech Republic. I was happy to meet new people and make new friends from different countries. At the same time, I spent my free time working as a gymnastics coach, travelling with the athletes for competitions and having workshops around the country or abroad.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your student life at our faculty?

The most memorable experience from my student life in Olomouc is probably the 10 days winter training course on the slopes in Kouty nad Desnou with over 200 people. Five days of practicing and improving downhill skiing and five more days of didactics of skiing of people with disabilities. It has been a truly amazing and memorable experience!

Have you changed because of this study experience?

I feel that some things have changed. I managed to balance personal, work and study life successfully in another country than where I was born. I have accumulated valuable knowledge for my future journey. I also learned how to adapt to studying full time in a foreign language and how to switch to a completely new online lifestyle during the pandemic. Altogether, I realised that after these studies, I can do always more and always better in different fields and different places.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

This experience not only benefits my future career, but it was decisive in my case. After completing the Final State Exam and Master’s Thesis Defense, I realised that I am ready for a new challenge. Also, I was interested to carry on the research on the topic I analysed together with my supervisor of my thesis. Therefore, this study experience opened new doors for me to unfamiliar adventures and I am now a first-year PhD student in Prague, where I continue working as a coach of aerobic gymnasts as well.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why or why not?

I would surely recommend the study to my friends or to anybody else who feels ready for a new commitment and a beautiful experience. This journey has not always been easy, sometimes stressful, sometimes demanding, although, in my opinion, it was all worth it when receiving the much-desired diploma in a beautiful hardcover at the end of the study. This is just the story about my perception of this study, but I think that everyone would appreciate their time here differently.

In conclusion…

I am happy to be one of the first graduates of this programme and I will always remember with gratitude my two years spent at this faculty.


Mihailo Dudić

Studying abroad can be a challenging thing but many would argue that more than that, it is an opportunity to become a self-dependant, open-minded and mature person. Mihailo Dudić, a Serbian student from the University of Niš, has recently finished his stay at the Faculty of Physical Culture PU and according to him, it was an unforgettable and life-changing experience. If you are still deciding whether studying or working abroad is something for you, go ahead and read what Mihailo wrote about his experiences in Olomouc.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I looked up Olomouc after I found out about the possibility to come here for an Erasmus stay, and from the first moment I knew that I wanted to go and experience life in this place. I saw the excellent level of education system and saw the opportunity to grow as an individual which this opportunity presents. I wanted to come for an exchange stay and Olomouc seemed to be the very best option.

Were your expectations different from reality?

I would absolutely say yes. At first I didn’t know what to expect, I was coming to a new country with a new language. I knew in advance that I would learn to speak better English because I would be forced to use it every day and that was true. But I didn’t know that there was so much more to see and experience than I imagined. From the people that I met and the cultures that I learned about, to places that I visited and the knowledge that I collected from great teachers. I would say that I grew so much as an individual, much more than I expected.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

Definitely yes, first it would be English – listening and speaking in English in every course made me learn the language very well. Secondly, and this is probably the best thing, was that the teachers gave us a chance to present our topics to other people, which I find extremely helpful. To speak in front of other people, and to have the responsibility for teaching somebody else is invaluable.

What was your favourite course and why?

I think that every course was very good and helpful. But due to my interest in this topic, I would say that the best course was Fitness and Wellness with Dr Michal Kudláček. It was a great experience with a great teacher, we learned about the most significant current health topics like diabetes, obesity, hypertension and so much more. Other than that, the Introduction to Adaptive Physical Activity was also a fantastic course with Dr Ondřej Ješina. He showed us unlimited potential in people with disabilities.

How did you spend your free time?

I spent my time travelling, working out, and spending time with other people from all over the world.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

Going into the unknown. Everything was new to me, it was totally out of my comfort zone. I was forced to depend on myself, but thanks to the amazing staff from the International Relations Office, who guided me and helped me a lot, it was much easier. I had to force myself to learn to speak English fast, because I was using it every day and even though I already could speak before, I felt it wasn’t enough, especially at the beginning of my stay.
At first coming alone was frightening, I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t know how it is all going to work out, but the other Erasmus students were very open and I was able to find new friends easily.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

It would be hard to pick just one, but if I have to point out one thing, it would be the chance to speak and present in front of other people in the courses, which I mentioned before. Having the opportunity to become the teachers and create our own topics, being able to present, to speak in front of other people knowing that the knowledge that I was sharing may help someone, it was an amazing experience.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

Definitely yes. From improving my language level, to depending on myself, acquiring more knowledge, more experience, visiting more and more places. I could go on and on, but most importantly I am not the same person, I am proud of the journey and grateful that I chose going for an Erasmus to Olomouc, which I recommend to everybody.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

Great question, as I mentioned before, I am a much better person because of this experience. I learned a lot and I can implement this knowledge into my personal life and help other people to live better lives because of it.
In today’s world, we live in a place where there is a significant increase of obesity, more people are diagnosed with diabetes and other problems arise every day. With knowledge we can change that, and I definitely have much better knowledge of these issues thanks of this experience.

Would you recommend the exchange stay at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Absolutely, one hundred percent! Everybody should come and experience this, many people can benefit from it, they can meet interesting people, travel to various places and above all they can learn a lot.
Erasmus is an incredible opportunity for all the students and during my stay I did not see a bad side of it, there was none. If somebody is reading this and considering whether they should come to Olomouc or not, I encourage them to come. I believe that nobody would regret it.

In conclusion…

I would like to thank to all of the staff at the International Relations Office, and to all of the teachers, every one of them. I would like to express my gratitude to Michal Kudláček, an amazing person with so much knowledge, to Ondřej Ješina for letting me be a part of the APA team, to Jitka Martincová for helping me with the administration of the documents and of my stay, and especially to Tereza Halvová who helped me the most. Without her I would probably be completely lost in the documents and the whole process. I am grateful for this wonderful experience and I do not regret a single second of it. I would encourage new generations to come to Olomouc and experience the Erasmus life, while they have the chance.

This was an experience that will be with me forever.


Juan Cuerva Gámez

Juan Cuerva Gámez came to our faculty from Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, Spain, where he is studying Sport Science. He loves partying, meeting new people, improving at foreign languages, sports and travelling – which made Olomouc the best option for his Erasmus!

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I visited the Czech Republic last year and I really liked it. The culture is nice and it has a great location for travelling around Europe. Also a friend of mine recommended me this destination. He told me that the university is cool and the city is very beautiful and not too big. There are also people organising Erasmus events and you know all Erasmus people, we are like a big family.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Not really, you need to have an open mind when you are Erasmus student. You should try to enjoy the time to the maximum and meet all the people you can from other countries to learn about other cultures and improve your English. Of course, there will be parties and amazing trips!

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

It is different. A home university is nice, especially if you have to move from your hometown and live in a different city, but when you are Erasmus student, the attitude of people and yours also changes because you are living a unique experience in a different country and maybe doing things that you have never done before. There is a good atmosphere where everybody is connected and you have to learn as much as you can. It is magic, lots of feelings in your mind!

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

Perhaps at first, when you are only by yourself and have to manage all things speaking in a different language, but it is about getting used to. The same happens when you need to get involved with new people.

How did you spend your free time?

Mainly hanging out with people, travelling around, doing some sports and playing games.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

It is impossible to choose a single one. In fact, I have a single special one for each wonderful person I met, each incredible trip I made during the semester and each Monday and Wednesday party in Olomouc.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

Totally, I have become wiser and more mature because all the experiences I have lived there. I have learnt a lot from the international people I met and I also have to mention great teachers that taught me many new things. Of course, I have improved my English and other languages as well as learnt to manage better by myself.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

In many ways! Having studied abroad is better to get a job because it means that you have more experience and different points of view. Also you had different courses abroad and so you can teach diverse things. If you want to create your own business, you have more information and more ideas. You open your mind and you no longer worry about working in another country or with foreign people.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Totally yes! It is a professional university in a beautiful city where you can do a lot of things. There is an amazing student atmosphere! Its location is so useful for travelling and the Czech Republic is an inexpensive country, you would be able to do more things with the same amount of money. Don’t think twice about it!

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

Unforgettable, productive, unique, magic and lovely.

Juan Martinez Visa

Our popular series of interviews with Erasmus students studying at the Faculty of Physical Culture is back. If you have ever wondered what makes our international students prolong their stay at our faculty, Juan Martinez Visa from Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, Spain, has answers for you.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

When I had to choose my Erasmus destination, I didn't know anything about any university or town. However, I found a website called "Erasmusu" where I could get some information about all the places where I could go as an exchange student. There you could find stories about Erasmus experience written by people who had done Erasmus in different cities and universities.
I read that Olomouc was a great place because it was in Central Europe (so you can travel to many countries), it was so cheap and the Erasmus community was amazing there. Moreover, I wanted a place with cold weather in order to experience different sensations, so I chose Olomouc as my first option.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Before going to Olomouc, I didn't know what I would find there. However, since the first day I arrived, I have enjoyed every moment and every person I have met. I couldn't imagine that I would feel this city is my second home.
My expectations were high before arriving in Olomouc, but the reality has completely surpassed them. I have arranged an extension of my Erasmus period and I still don't know how I will be able to say goodbye to this wonderful and magic city in June.
Another thing that has exceeded my expectations is people I have met during my Erasmus. You would never imagine that unknown people would be as important for you as your family within just a few months. In fact, when you come back to Spain for Christmas, you find it too difficult to live without them.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

The first thing you expect when you are going to do Erasmus experience is that the classes and the exams will be so easy. It is true that the university in Olomouc is easier than my home university, but you have to take into account that you will have the classes in English, which represents extra difficulty.
The education system is different at both universities. In Olomouc, the classes are more practical and the teachers are closer than in my home university. You don't feel as much pressure with the exams as in your home institution because the teachers value attendance, diary homework and the knowledge that you learn more.
I would also like to point out that you don't lose an academic year during your Erasmus, as many people usually say. I have learned things in Olomouc that I had never discovered in my home university. Moreover, I speak from my own experience that the university in Olomouc has great teachers who try to help you in order to pass on all their knowledge.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

The first thing you need to know as an Erasmus student is that you will use English language every day. It will be so helpful for you because most people speak Czech language in Olomouc. However, you will be with Erasmus students most of the time, so you will always speak in English.
Another big challenge was the weather. In my home city, there is hot weather almost for the whole year. In Olomouc, the weather is so cold in winter that you will experience many new things: different type of clothes, customs, food… I personally prefer this weather instead of the hot weather, but it's up to you!
The most difficult challenge was related to the nightfall. Here, you will get used to seeing it at 4 or 5 p.m., which can be unusual for you in the beginning. However, you will find plenty of things to do with your friends in order to enjoy it.
Many people missed their families in the beginning of their Erasmus. Most of them had never lived without them, so they needed some time to adapt. However, I live in a different city than my parents in Spain, so this wasn't such a big challenge for me.

How did you spend your free time?

In Olomouc I had plenty of free time so I could do a lot of things. I usually did sport (gym, running…) and went out with my friends to a pub. One of the best things about Erasmus is the amount of people that you meet. If you feel bored, you have many people to drink a coffee or speak with. I love getting to know different cultures, languages, customs… I tried to meet people from many countries in order to open my mind. When you explore different countries, you start to understand why people from each country have a different behaviour.
To be honest, the best thing I have done in my free time in Olomouc is travelling. You will be surprised to find cheap prices here and the big amount of cities and countries that you could visit anytime.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

If I had to choose one experience from my Erasmus, I couldn't do it. All the trips were incredible and amazing and each one has given me magic memories with my second family in Olomouc. We have been in rooms with 16 people, slept at airports and on buses, eaten in the strangest restaurants you can imagine… It's been wonderful to have these experiences and I will continue doing it in Spain for sure!

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

After my Erasmus experience, I can say for sure that I have changed completely. I have opened my mind in such different ways that it would be impossible to explain. Meeting such different people has helped me learn to tolerate all cultures and customs and it has helped me change my thoughts about some topics or stereotypes.
In addition, I have incredible maturity because of the experiences that I have had here. When your family and friends are so far away, you learn to be more independent by yourself and to organize your life without help from anyone. I have had some wonderful experiences during my Erasmus, but I have also had bad moments. When you have to fight with the last ones by yourself, you really mature and learn to be stronger.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

Nowadays, it is said that many companies prefer having workers who have spent one year abroad as for example Erasmus students. They consider this kind of experience to give you an enormous grade of maturity.
Moreover, I have improved my English a lot as a positive consequence of my Erasmus. You need to show interest and study hard if you want to improve all aspects of English language, but if you do it, you will speak English almost like your mother tongue after your Erasmus experience.
Finally, thanks to Erasmus you learn to manage difficult situations and control your whole life by yourself, something that will let you deal with unpredictable situations in your future job.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

I would absolutely recommend this university to the future Erasmus students because it gives you the opportunity to attend classes taught by excellent teachers. They will always help you as much as they can in order to make your learning easier and you will experience different teaching methods.
In addition, this university is very popular for its education system and modern techniques. If you show curiosity and work hard, you will acquire an incredible amount of knowledge.
Regarding the administrative area, this university has an excellent department and the formalities are easier than in my home university. The faculty coordinator is so kind and effective which makes you less stresses and worried.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

Amazing, magic, enriching, intense and unforgettable.

Lara Carrascosa Agustina & Alba Martinez Zorrilla

In second part of our series about international students at our faculty we introduce you two girls from Catholic University San Vicente Martir of Valencia – Lara and Alba. Both have been here since September.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

L:  I chose Palacky University to do my Erasmus because I was very interested in coming to the Czech Republic. At the beginning, I didn't know why, but now I believe that I chose this country because of its location in the centre of Europe and also because I thought Czech people can speak English, but that is not true. Those are the reasons why I chose this country but talking about this university, well, when my university told me that I could go to the Czech Republic, I was destined to Ostrava, but then my coordinator told me that I could go to Olomouc and I decided to come here.

A: First I wanted the Czech Republic because it is cheap to spend my whole academic year and it's in the centre of Europe and I can travel a lot. Ostrava was my first option also but I searched for some information about both cities and I decided to change my decision because I saw that Olomouc is smaller and more beautiful than Ostrava and there are different activities for students. Also, I knew that here I would have to speak in English and I needed to improve it.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

L: I think that the only thing I thought would be different is, as I said before, that I was pretty sure that almost every Czech person knows how to speak English, but in my opinion it is not like that. When I go to some restaurants, bars or supermarkets, I usually need help from waiters or cashiers and they don't know how to answer me.

A: I thought that Czech people would be friendlier and they would speak English very well but it's not true. There are exceptions but not too many. Anyway, normally I am with Erasmus people. About the weather, I thought that it would be cold but not like this. It's too cold.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

L: My life here is completely different from my life back home. In Spain, I need 30 minutes to go by car to my university, because I live in a village and the university is in the city while here I am living one minute from my faculty so I can wake up twenty minutes before the lesson and I don’t have to drive anywhere. Also, in my home university, I have classes only during the morning and almost without a break while here I have classes maybe two hours in the morning and one in the evening, or just in the morning or just in the evening. And I usually have half-an-hour break between the classes so I can come home and have a snack. Also, in Spain, I have to do homework for every class, like here, but at my university we have to work in groups.

A: It's very different. At my university, I study in my language and it's easier to understand the teachers and then study. About the classes, I do much more practice here than at my home university and I love it. I think that I needed it, it's another way of learning. Another important thing for me is the homework. At my home university, we always work in pairs or in groups but never alone and now, studying in Olomouc, I have improved the way I do my homework a great deal.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

L: I think the only challenge I had to face was to speak English. Before Erasmus, I have never spoken any English apart from the English classes, and to communicate, solve problems, meet people etc., speaking another language was a real challenge for me.

A: I agree. For me, English was also the biggest challenge. When I first arrived, I found it very difficult to understand the teachers, do the homework and also communicate with other Erasmus people.

How do you spend your free time?

L: I usually do sport, either alone or with my friends in my free time. We play football, go to the gym, running, swimming, hiking or climbing. Also, I watch English series and films to improve my English or I go out for beers or a snack with friends and to parties too. I also do my homework and I study English but I like to spend most of my free time with friends.

A: Normally during week, I do exercise, sometimes in the gym, some days I go running, it depends on the day. And I watch TV series in Spanish and in English. I try to watch them mostly in English but it's a little hard for me. Once or twice a week, I go to a party with my friends and we drink beer coz we like Czech beer. At the weekends, I often go on a trip with Erasmus people or if we don't have any trip planned, we go skiing or snowboarding if we can.

What is the single most memorable experience you have had from your Erasmus life so far?

L: My best experience was when we went hiking for a day in the Jeseníky Mountains. We knew that we were going to do a route, but we took a bus without knowing which one or where to start. We met one guy on the bus who told us that there was a path at the next stop and it went to the Jeseníky, so we decided to go. We started walking up and we were walking and walking for a long time and being higher and higher, there was more snow and finally we arrived to the top of the mountain. There was a restaurant which looked closed because it was covered with snow. It was -7 °C and we weren't prepared for that cold. After eating something and warming ourselves, we started walking back and it was amazing because I have never walked in a place like that, it was full of snow. For me, it was like being in Santa’s house in the North Pole. Finally, we arrived to the Jeseník town and we took our bus back to Olomouc.

A: I think the trips in general because we decided where we wanted to go on Tuesday and on Thursday we went. I have never slept in a hostel with maybe 12 people in the same room. Normally I travel with my parents to a city with a hotel and a guide and it is all organized but here nothing is organized and it is always like an adventure for me when we travel.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

L: In my opinion, I haven't changed much. Here, I do the housework but it is because I must do it. In my house, I don't need to. Maybe I am more mature, but I believe I am still more or less the same person.

A: I wouldn't change anything that I have done.  I have been able to do what I want here, though maybe I would like to spend more time with people who aren´t Spanish but coming from other countries. I am trying to change that this semester.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

L: This experience will be very beneficial for me because I am sharing my daily life with flatmates and friends from different countries and I must learn how to do it. I am learning how to take care of myself far away from my home. Also, I am learning so much about different cultures which could be very useful in the future. Another important thing is that in our lessons here, we study in different ways from what I am used to and I believe that knowing different teaching methods is very useful for me because I want to become a PE teacher.

A: I think that doing Erasmus is very beneficial for our future because we are learning another language. I live with my parents in Valencia and in Olomouc, I have to do everything on my own and live with people from different countries and it's very interesting because every day, I learn something new. You can expand you mind and this experience helps you become more responsible.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

L: Yes, if someone tells me that they want to do Erasmus, I will recommend this place. I think this is a good opportunity to travel around Europe because you are in the centre of it. Also, this faculty offers many different courses in different fields of sport that you can choose and create your own timetable and if you have a problem, they help you solve it easily. On top of that, they have a good Erasmus system - we are separate from Czech students to have classes in English but if Czech students want, they can join us, though we also have our own Erasmus subjects.

A: Of course I would because here it’s different from my university and that's great because here you do more practice. The way you learn the theory is pretty much the same I think, but when you mix theory and practice in the same subject, you can learn much more. Another advantage is that you attend your classes in English with other Erasmus people and it´s great because you improve your English and you are with your friends.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

L: Funny, friendly, diverse, enriching, unique.

A: Surprising, cheerful, funny, intense, family.

Pablo González Pérez

Pablo comes from Pablo De Olavide University in Seville (Spain) and he has been in Olomouc since September. He does triathlon and loves indie music, playing the saxophone, hiking, climbing, skiing and in fact everything related to sport.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

When I had to choose the receiving institution, I didn't know anything about the Palacký University Olomouc. I chose this because it was in one city which was in the centre of Europe, it was a cheap city and very different from Spain. Now that I know about the university, I am very happy with my decision because I consider it a great university, with good teachers and facilities.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

The days before coming to Olomouc I was a little scared. I did not know what was going to wait for me here, and I was worried that not everything would go well. But from the first moment here I have felt like at home. I did not expect that it would be so good and I would not miss my real home, family and friends and that my biggest concern will be that my Erasmus will end one day.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

I think that the study experience is very different. Here there are much fewer people in a class and I think that it is very important because this makes the classes more interactive, you have to talk and think during the classes, not just listen as we did in Spain. Also, the evaluations are very different, here you do not study only to pass an exam because the teachers take account of the work that you do every day, you have to do many tasks, homework and presentations and I think this is the best way to learn.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

The biggest challenge was to live a different life, here you have to use a different language, live with different culture, eat different food and the people are also different, although it is true that in less than a week I was adapted and very comfortable. Another big challenge was the weather, which is very different here; winter was hard for me… very cold and few hours of sunlight.

How did you spend your free time?

I am always with my friends, we are all the day together walking, going for a drink or to eat, traveling and of course going out. Also I train or go to the gym, meet new people and learn about their cultures, likes and opinions. It's great to be able to say that I've never been bored in my free time.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

If I had to choose just one experience from my Erasmus, I couldn't do it, there are so many... With each person I've met, I shared so many great moments, on every trip - running not to miss a flight, being lost in the middle of a city at night, whole days of laughter, and thousands of other adventures.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

After my Erasmus experience, I can say for sure that I have changed completely. Living in such a different place, traveling and having the opportunity to meet so many people make you see different things, you open your mind a lot, you see how other people think, you are more independent, and you set new goals because you realize that you can go out of your comfort zone. You also get new tastes; here I have tried new sports and different foods that I had never eaten before.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I think that at a curricular level, having been in a foreign country is very good, many companies are looking for this. Also, I have had some practical experience that is very important for my future, such as teaching seniors or teaching disabled people skiing, abbot which I have learned a lot.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Of course I would do this, because here, you can have a lot of practical classes in which you learn more, you can find some very good teachers, very new facilities, some fantastic classmates. Also this faculty does many interesting activities and everyone tries to make you feel very comfortable here. The international coordinator of the faculty always solves all the problems with her best smile, and does a great job so that you do not have any problem.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

Fantastic, intense, enriching, unforgettable and unique.


Sevim Güllü

Sevim Güllü is a PhD student and a research assistant from the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Istanbul University in Turkey and she spent last winter semester at the Faculty of Physical Culture as an Erasmus student, attending some classes but mainly working on her dissertation thesis under the supervision of Dr. Donald Roberson. Her specialization is Sport management, but you could also see her giving classes during the International Teaching week in November on the topic of fair play.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

When I read the Palacký University website, I noticed that there is an excellent support system for Erasmus students. I am a PhD student and I also work as a Research Assistant at Istanbul University, Faculty of Sport Sciences. I had to choose the university carefully because I wanted to learn about different teaching methods for my future. I thought that I could learn the methods and get some knowledge and then I could combine it with my country’s methodology.

There are a lot of good activities for Erasmus Students at Palacký University. Some of my students came here before and they said that they had amazing experiences from Olomouc.

Also, before coming here, I had written some emails to Zuzana Hanelová who is the faculty Erasmus coordinator. She was very kind, friendly and helpful for both me and for other international students. I had a lot questions and she answered them all patiently. It was very important for me because this was my first long-term experience abroad. And she always made me relax with her answers.

I am a PhD student and I study for my dissertation; I hope to graduate in June. My topic is about Sports Management. Before coming to Olomouc, I asked the Erasmus coordinator to find me a mentor, which she did and that was crucial for me.

Last but not least, the Czech Republic is cheaper than some other countries like France, Spain or Italy. Also, it is in Central Europe and I like to travel so much so I did not hesitate when choosing my host university.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

Not really because I heard lot of stories from my students. I also read many things about the place.

But I want to say that there is such a great Erasmus system at Palacký University! The faculty coordinator, Zuzana Hanelová, is one the most hardworking and responsible people I have ever met in my life. Besides, my teachers Dr. Kudláček, Ms. Kučerová, Mr. Hobza, Dr. Ješina or Dr. Voráčová are very kind and responsible people and I learned many new things from them. I mustn’t forget my advisor Donald Roberson, who helped me with my dissertation. He is a native English speaker so I could also improve my English thanks to him.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

They are similar to each other. But at Palacký University, there are a lot teachers who can speak English well which is important for international students.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

The dormitory life was difficult for me as usually there was a lot of noise. I chose five courses and I was writing my thesis too so it was obvious that I needed some sleep at night. But every night some friends were having parties so I could not sleep well most of the time. It made me angry sometimes.

How did you spend your free time?

At the weekends, I usually travelled. During the semester, I visited Prague, Lednice, Kutná Hora, Terezín, Pardubice, Krakow, Bratislava, Vienna, Budapest, Ostrava, Auschwitz, Hostýn, Zagreb, Italy, Ljubljana and Berlin. I also studied for my thesis, was meeting friends, reading something etc.

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

Even though I complained about the dormitory life, it was the most enjoyable experience, which I will never forget because I had many good friends and we had such a good time.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

I have not changed but I feel more relax and patient. I realized that I could live and work anywhere in the world.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

I can compare the system of Palacký University and my institution. After finishing my PhD, I will be a teacher at Istanbul University and now I have some recommendations for my students and colleagues.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Of course! It is one of the most important and useful experiences in my life. Every university student as well as academic should live abroad for at least three months. Thanks to Erasmus, we can make friends from all around the world, we can learn about different cultures, improve our English. And also if you have time and if you are interested in it, you can learn the local language a little.

I was so sad when leaving Olomouc. I am missing the town, the faculty, my friends and the Czech Republic.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using five words, which ones would you use?

Czech Republic, courses, English, travel, friends.


Bohdan Kostenko

For this week´s interview, we questioned a Ukrainian student Bohdan Kostenko who came from Vincent Pol University in Lublin, Poland. Bohdan is a physiotherapy student and when asked about his Erasmus experience, he is most grateful for having improved his English and making lots of new friends from all over the world.

Why did you choose our university for your Erasmus study experience?

I chose Palacký University Olomouc because it is located not far from my home University in Poland and it is one of the biggest universities in the Czech Republic. The culture and language is very similar for me. Also, not many universities offer English programmes for physiotherapists.

Were your expectations different from the reality?

My expectations were different from the reality. I really practised English so much, during the whole semester we had so many meetings, events called “National presentation’’, ‘’Language Café’’… it was great.

Can you compare your study experience in Olomouc with the experience from your home university?

Yes, I can compare my study experience in Olomouc with the experience from my home university. In Olomouc I practised English more, there were so many classes related to sports, different teaching methods… It was new for me. At my university I did not have the internet system ‘’STAG’’ to check my schedule and other useful information, but I think they should create something like this. There were so many international students from all over the world – at my home university, I do not normally meet them, only Ukrainian and Polish people. I think that is all.

What were some of the biggest challenges you had to overcome as an Erasmus student?

Biggest challenges? I do not think so! The teachers at the university were very kind and so were the international and Czech students. The Neředín dormitories were comfortable for me and located near the faculty. Olomouc is a small student city and I like it.

How did you spend your free time?

In my free time I went to the gym or walked to the city centre with my friends. I visited the Aqua Park in Olomouc, played laser tag game and saw other interesting places in the city. And of course, so much travelling! From Olomouc I travelled to Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Brno, Katowice… and all my travels were by bus or train, very cheap and fast (not longer than four hours). If you want to do Erasmus programme, you must travel!

What is the single most memorable experience you have from your Erasmus life?

The most memorable experience in my Erasmus life would be connected to my new friends from all over the world. I experienced a great deal of funny situations with them and it was the best experience for me.

Have you changed because of your Erasmus experience?

Yes. I became more friendly because I learned about many other cultures that I was not familiar with before.

How can this experience benefit your future career?

It can help me find a good job because the employer will realize that I am sociable, I know English at a good level and I have knowledge that is not yet available or not used in my country. And of course it can help me to open my own private practice.

Would you recommend the study at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University Olomouc to your friends? Why?

Yes, I will do it because it is a very good place to learn the language, to have good experiences, a place where you can meet a lot of new people and get to know their culture.

If you had to describe your Erasmus experience in Olomouc using 5 adjectives, which ones would you use?

I would use friendly, helpful, successful, lively, cheerful.

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