Reza Abdollahipour, Ph.D.,M.Sc.

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Katedra přírodních věd v kinantropologii

Fakulta tělesné kultury

FTK NB budova center - CKV

NB 2.15


Kakvandi SN., Ramezanzade H., Firouzjah MH., Elghoul Y., Abdollahipour R. External versus internal focus enhances motor performance and learning in children with different visuospatial working memory capacities. HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE. 2025.
Samadi Z., Abedanzadeh R., Norouzi E., Abdollahipour R. An external focus promotes motor learning of an aiming task in individuals with hearing impairments. European Journal of Sport Science. 2024.
Valtr L., Bizovská L., Abdollahipour R., Jelsma D., Wilson P., Smits-Engelsman B. Anticipatory postural adjustment deficits in children with developmental coordination disorder during a self-induced prehension task while standing on one leg. Scientific Reports. 2024.
Slovák L., Panfilov E., Zahradník D., Casula V., Nieminen MT., Land WM., Iwatsuki T., Abdollahipour R. External focus of attention reduces cartilage load during drop landings. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS. 2024.
Slovák L., Zahradník D., Land WM., Sarvestan J., Hamill J., Abdollahipour R. Response of knee joint biomechanics to landing under internal and external focus of attention in female volleyball players. MOTOR CONTROL. 2024.
Iwatsuki T., Andrews A., Faith B., Abdollahipour R. Superstition does not enhance motor performance and learning: Laboratory experiments. Journal of Sport Behavior. 2024.
Laroëre BM., Land WM., Valtr L., Banátová K., Mudrák K., Abdollahipour R. The effects of attentional focus instructions on the performance of a persistent form-based skill in gymnastics. Kinesiology. 2024.
Grinberg A., Hanzlíková I., Lehnert M., Abdollahipour R. The impact of maturation level, not chronological age, on attentional control: implications for sports injury prevention in female adolescents. BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2024.
Slovák L., Sarvestan J., Iwatsuki T., Zahradník D., Land WM., Abdollahipour R. External focus of attention enhances arm velocities during volleyball spike in young female players. Frontiers in Psychology. 2023.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Steenbergen B., Wilson P. Motor-cognitive coupling is impaired in children with mild or severe forms of developmental coordination disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2023.
Subara-Zukic E., Cole MH., McGuckian TB., Steenbergen B., Green D., Smits-Engelsman BCM., Lust JM., Abdollahipour R., Domellöf E., Deconinck FJA., Blank R., Wilson PH. Behavioral and neuroimaging research on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): A combined systematic review and meta-analysis of recent findings. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022.
Abdollahipour R., Land WM., Valtr L., Banátová K., Janura M. External focus facilitates cognitive stability and promotes motor performance of an interceptive task in children. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2022.
Abdollahipour R., Land WM., Bizovská L., Klein T., Valtr L., Janura M. Steady, aim, fire! Optimized instructions enhance performance and reduce intra-trial variability in a shooting task. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2022.
Bahmani M., Babak M., Land WM., Howard JT., Diekfuss JA., Abdollahipour R. Children's motor imagery modality dominance modulates the role of attentional focus in motor skill learning. HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE. 2021.
Iwatsuki T., Shih H., Abdollahipour R., Wulf G. More bang for the buck: Autonomy support increases muscular efficiency. PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH-PSYCHOLOGISCHE FORSCHUNG. 2021.
Abdollahipour R., Land W., Cereser A., Chiviacowsky S. External relative to internal attentional focus enhances motor performance and learning in visually impaired individuals. DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. 2020.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Wulf G. Optimizing bowling performance. Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 2020.
Chua L., Dimapilis MK., Iwatsuki T., Abdollahipour R., Lewthwaite R., Wulf G. Practice variability promotes an external focus of attention and enhances motor skill learning. HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE. 2019.
Chiviacowsky S., Harter N., Del Vecchio F., Abdollahipour R. Relatedness affects eye blink rate and movement form learning. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019.
Palomo Nieto M., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Agricola A., Psotta R. The role of vision in walking patterns in children with different levels of motor coordination. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte. 2018.
Iwatsuki T., Abdollahipour R., Psotta R., Lewthwaite R., Wulf G. Autonomy facilitates repeated maximum force productions. Human Movement Science. 2017.
Abdollahipour R., Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Wulf G. External focus of attention and autonomy support have additive benefits for motor performance in children. Psychology of Sport And Exercise. 2017.
Abdollahipour R., Psotta R., Land W. The influence of attentional focus instructions and vision on jump height performance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 2016.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Agricola A., Valtr L. Vliv zraku na chůzi u dětí s odlišnou úrovní motoriky. Tělesná kultura. 2016.
Agricola A., Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Valtr L. Vzťah medzi rovnováhou a chôdzou u detí s rizikom vývojovej poruchy koordinácie a ich bežnými rovesníkmi. Tělesná kultura. 2016.
Abdollahipour R., Wulf G., Psotta R., Palomo Nieto M. Performance of gymnastics skill benefits from an external focus of attention. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2015.
Agricola A., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R. Relativný efekt veku na súťažnú úspešnosť v tenise u detí staršieho školského veku. Tělesná kultura. 2015.
Agricola A., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Palomo Nieto M. The differences of movement between children at risk of developmental coordination disorder and those not at risk. Acta Gymnica. 2015.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Agricola A., Abdollahipour R., Valtr L. The effects of various visual conditions on the gait cycle in children with different level of motor coordination – a pilot study. RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte. 2015.
Abdollahipour R., Psotta R., Palomo Nieto M., Rouzbahani M., Nikdast H., Bahram A. Effects of attentional focus instructions on learning of a target task: A moderation role of visual feedback. Kinesiology. 2014.
Land W., Abdollahipour R., Becker K. Examining an ideomotor account of external focus benefits. FEPSAC Congress 2024: Abstract Book. 2024.
Slovák L., Zahradník D., Sarvestan J., Land W., Abdollahipour R. External focus instructions optimize drop landing biomechanics in female volleyball players. FEPSAC Congress 2024: Abstract Book. 2024.
Valtr L., Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T., Banátová K., Abdollahipour R., Wilson P. Obstacle crossing during various dual task conditions in children with developmental coordination disorder and typically developing children. DCD15-IMDRC6: Abstract Book. 2024.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Steenbergen B., Wilson P. Persistence of motor-cognitive inhibition deficits in children with developmental coordination disorder with age: A longitudinal perspective. DCD15-IMDRC6: Abstract Book. 2024.
Valtr L., Bizovská L., Abdollahipour R., Jelsma D., Smits-Engelsman B. Postural control while stooping down to pick up an object in unilateral stance in children with developmental coordination disorder. DCD15-IMDRC6: Abstract Book. 2024.
Abdollahipour R., Palomo Nieto M., Valtr L., Land W. The influence of attentional focus instructions on task focus and motor performance. FEPSAC Congress 2024: Abstract Book. 2024.
Palomo M., Villa-de Gregorio M., Ramon-Otero I., Abdollahipour R. The motivational impact of autonomy support on motor learning of children with and without developmental coordination disorder. DCD15-IMDRC6: Abstract Book. 2024.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH., Kimijanová J., Hlavačka F. Effect of cognitive task on complexity of walking in typically developing children and children with developmental coordination disorder. The 9th International Posture Symposium: Abstracts. 2023.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Wilson P. Motor inhibition is impaired in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), regardless of their severity. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. 2023.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH. Postural control after obstacle crossing during dual task conditions in children with developmental coordination disorder. In Kimijanová J., Hlavačka F. (Eds.) The 9th International Posture Symposium: Abstracts. 2023.
Slovák L., Zahradník D., Land W., Casula V., Abdollahipour R. The influence of attentional focus on acute changes in transverse relaxation times (T2) of femoral articular cartilage in drop jump landings. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. 2023.
Abdollahipour R. Underlying mechanisms of attentional focus instructions. In Stojiljković N. (Eds.) XXII Scientific Conference “FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2019” in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation: Book of Abstracts. 2020.
Abdollahipour R., Iwatsuki T., Shih H. Autonomy support enhances movement efficiency. The 9th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference: Abstracts & Program Booklet. 2019.
Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Janura M., Wulf G. Do children with motor difficulties benefit from an external focus instruction to execute a motor task? 13th International Conference on Developmental Coordination Disorder: Abstract book. 2019.
Abdollahipour R., Bahmani M., Babak M., Land W. Learning advantages of an external relative to an internal focus instructions in children with high and low levels of motor imagery ability. In Bunc V., Tsolakidis E. (Eds.) 24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science: Book of Abstracts. 2019.
Iwatsuki T., Shih H., Abdollahipour R., Wulf G. More bang for the buck: Autonomy support increases muscular efficiency. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. 2019.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Chua L., Wulf G. Optimizing bowling performance. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. 2019.
Abdollahipour R., Land W., Chiviacowsky S. Performance advantages of an external relative to an internal focus of attention is independent from vision. The 15th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology – Building the Future of Sport and Exercise Psychology: Abstract Book. 2019.
Chiviacowsky S., Harter N., Abdollahipour R. Relatedness affects dopaminergic activity and motor learning. NASPSPA 2018: Program Abstracts. 2018.
Abdollahipour R., Land W., Cereser A., Chiviacowsky S. The influence of attentional focus instructions on the learning of a balance task in individuals with visual impairments. NASPSPA 2018: Program Abstracts. 2018.
Iwatsuki M., Abdollahipour R., Psotta R., Wulf G. Autonomy facilitates repeated maximum force productions. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. 2017.
Abdollahipour R., Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Wulf G. External focus of attention and autonomy support have additive benefits for motor performance in children. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. 2017.
Abdollahipour R., Psotta R., Wulf G. An internal focus of attention impairs dynamic balance performance of children. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 2015.
Psotta R., Palomo Nieto M., Abdollahipour R. Gait pattern under the different availability of visual information in the children at a risk of DCD. Journal of Comorbidity. 2015.
Abdollahipour R., Psotta R., Wulf G., Agricola A., Valtr L. Influence of internal versus external focus of attention on catching in children. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 2015.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Agricola A., Valtr L. Visual contribution to walking: How is it in children with a risk of developmental coordination disorder? Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 2015.
Abdollahipour R., Psotta R., Palomo Nieto M. The effects of attentional focus instructions on vertical jump height under visual and non-visual conditions. JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY. 2014.
Abdollahipour R., Wulf G., Psotta R., Palomo Nieto M. Performance of a gymnastics skill benefits from an external focus of attention. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica. 2013.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Valtr L. The effects of various visual conditions on the gait cycle in children with different level of motor coordination – a pilot study. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica. 2013.
Agricola A., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R. The relative age effect on tennis performance in the adolescents. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica. 2013.
Land W., Abdollahipour R., Becker K. Examining an ideomotor account of external focus benefits. 2024.
Slovák L., Zahradník D., Sarvestan J., Land W., Abdollahipour R. External focus instructions optimize drop landing biomechanics in female volleyball players. 2024.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Steenbergen B., Wilson P. Persistence of motor-cognitive inhibition deficits in children with developmental coordination disorder with age: A longitudinal perspective. 2024.
Abdollahipour R., Palomo Nieto M., Valtr L., Land W. The influence of attentional focus instructions on task focus and motor performance. 2024.
Bizovská L., Svoboda Z., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH. Effect of cognitive task on complexity of walking in typically developing children and children with developmental coordination disorder. 2023.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Wilson P. Motor inhibition is impaired in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), regardless of their severity. 2023.
Svoboda Z., Bizovská L., Klein T., Banátová K., Valtr L., Abdollahipour R., Wilson PH. Postural control after obstacle crossing during dual task conditions in children with developmental coordination disorder. 2023.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Banátová K., Bizovská L., Klein T., Svoboda Z., Wilson PH. Can the use of attentional-focus instructions promote motor learning in children with DCD? 2022.
Wilson PH., Subara-Zukic E., Cole MH., McGuckian TB., Steenbergen B., Green D., Smits-Engelsman BCM., Lust JM., Abdollahipour R., Domellöf E., Deconinck FJA., Blank R. Developmental coordination disorder: New insights on underlying mechanisms. 2022.
Abdollahipour R., Iwatsuki T., Shih H. Autonomy support enhances movement efficiency. 2019.
Iwatsuki T., Shih H., Abdollahipour R., Wulf G. More bang for the buck: Autonomy support increases muscular efficiency. 2019.
Abdollahipour R., Valtr L., Chua L., Wulf G. Optimizing bowling performance. 2019.
Chiviacowsky S., Harter N., Abdollahipour R. Relatedness affects dopaminergic activity and motor learning. 2018.
Iwatsuki M., Abdollahipour R., Psotta R., Wulf G. Autonomy facilitates repeated maximum force productions. 2017.
Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Wulf G., Agricola A., Valtr L. Influence of internal versus external focus of attention on catching in children. 2015.
Palomo Nieto M., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R., Agricola A., Valtr L. Visual contribution to walking: How is it in children with a risk of developmental coordination disorder? 2015.
Abdollahipour R., Wulf G., Psotta R., Palomo Nieto M. Performance of a gymnastics skill benefits from an external focus of attention. 2014.
Agricola A., Psotta R., Abdollahipour R. The relative age effect on tennis performance in the adolescents. 2014.
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