Ing. Vladimír Hobza, Ph.D.

Employee photo

585636257, 728132098

Katedra rekreologie

Fakulta tělesné kultury

FTK NC budova pedagogů

NC 3.15

odborný asistent

Selected publications
Sigmund E., Sigmundová D., Baďura P., Voráčová J., Hobza V., Hollein T., Pavelka J., Půžová Z., Kalman M. Time-trends and correlates of obesity in Czech adolescents in relation to family socioeconomic status over a 16-year study period (2002-2018). BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020. (ČLÁNEK)
Sigmund E., Baďura P., Sigmundová D., Voráčová J., Zacpal J., Kalman M., Pavelka J., Vokáčová J., Hobza V., Hamřík Z. Trends and correlates of overweight/obesity in Czech adolescents in relation to family socioeconomic status over a 12-year study period (2002–2014). BMC Public Health. 2018. (ČLÁNEK)
Sigmund E., Baďura P., Voráčová J., Sigmundová D., Kopčáková J., Hobza V., Kalman M. Změny v prevalenci obezity českých adolescentů mezi lety 2018 a 2022 a její současné koreláty: HBSC studie. Prakticky Lekar. 2023.
Hobza V., Hamřík Z., Maráček M. Organized sport activities of 11 to 15-year-old adolescents: Trends from 2010–2018 and socioeconomic context. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022.
Rončák M., Scholz P., Linderová I., Másilka D., Hobza V., Vrabcová P. Positive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Czech hospitality industry. e-Review of Tourism Research. 2022.
Rončák M., Hobza V. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry in the Czech Republic. e-Review of Tourism Research. 2022.
Sigmund E., Baďura P., Sigmundová D., Pavelka J., Voráčová J., Hobza V., Zacpal J., Hamřík Z., Půžová Z., Kalman M. Trendy a koreláty obezity českých adolescentů ve vztahu k socioekonomickýmu statusu rodin mezi lety 2002-2018. Prakticky Lekar. 2019.
Hobza V., Hamřík Z., Jens B., Bart DC. The family affluence scale as an indicator for socioeconomic status: Validation on regional income differences in the Czech Republic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017.
Sigmund E., Voráčová J., Vokáčová J., Hobza V., Baďura P., Sigmundová D. Trendy a koreláty nadváhy a obezity českých adolescentů ve vztahu k socioekonomickému statusu jejich rodin mezi lety 2002–2014. Praktický lékař. 2017.
Hobza V., Skoumal J., Hobza V. Podnikové benefity a jejich vliv na ekonomiku firmy. Případová studie. Ekonomika a management (online). 2016.
Hobza V., Hobza V. Kompendium ekonomie. 2016.
Hobza V., Hobza V., Schwartzhoffová E. Manažerská ekonomika. Kapitoly k finanční analýze. 2015.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Financial Accounting 1 KAE/UCEP1 ZS 1
Financial Accounting 1 KAE/UCEP1 ZS Cv 1
Financial Accounting 2 KAE/UCEP2 LS 1
Financial Accounting 2 KAE/UCEP2 LS Cv 1
Financial Accounting 1 KAE/UCE1 ZS Cv 1
Financial Accounting 1 KAE/UCE1 ZS 1
Financial Accounting 2 KAE/UCE2 LS 1
Financial Accounting 2 KAE/UCE2 LS Cv 1
Veřejné finance KRL/KVEFI ZS Se 0
Veřejné finance KRL/KVEFI ZS 4
Economics KRL/EKN ZS Se 1
Economics KRL/EKN ZS 3
Introduction to Management KAS/ZAMA LS 3
Economy and Manager Economy KRL/EME ZS 2
Economy and Manager Economy KRL/EME ZS Se 2
Management in Physical Activity KRL/KMPA ZS Se 4
Management in Physical Activity KRL/KMPA ZS 4
Management in Physical Activity KRL/@MAPA ZS 2
Management in Physical Activity KRL/@MAPA ZS Se 2
Management in Physical Activity KRL/MPA ZS Se 1
Management in Physical Activity KRL/MPA ZS 1
Economy and Manager Economy KRL/KEKM ZS Se 8
Economy and Manager Economy KRL/KEKM ZS 4
Economy and Manager Economy KRL/KEKME ZS Se 8
Economy and Manager Economy KRL/KEKME ZS 4
Economics KRL/KEKN ZS 5
Economics KRL/KEKN ZS Se 9
Economics 1 KRL/KEKN1 LS Se 15
Economics 1 KRL/KEKN1 LS 4
Economy and Manager Economy KRL/KEME ZS 5
Economy and Manager Economy KRL/KEME ZS Se 15
Veřejné finance KRL/VEFI ZS 2
Veřejné finance KRL/VEFI ZS Se 2
Communication strategy KPK/KKOST LS 3
Communication strategy KPK/KKOST LS Se 3

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