Mgr. Zdeněk Hamřík, Ph.D.
Katedra rekreologie
Org. unit:
Fakulta tělesné kultury
FTK NC budova pedagogů
Room number:
odborný asistent
Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:
- Vedoucí katedry/ústavu/kliniky (3. 1. 2011 – 31. 12. 2021)
- Člen AS fakulty (9. 2. 2018 – 31. 12. 2020)
Selected publications
Gába A., Baďura P., Vorlíček M., Dygrýn J., Hamřík Z., Kudláček M., Rubín L., Sigmund E., Sigmundová D., Vašíčková J.
The Czech Republic's 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth: A rationale and comprehensive analysis.
Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness.
Parker K., Hallingberg B., Eriksson Ch., Ng K., Hamřík Z., Kopcakova J., Movsesyan E., Melkukova M., Abdrakhmanova S., Baďura P.
Typologies of joint family activities and associations with mental health and wellbeing among adolescents from four countries.
Baďura P., Hamřík Z., Maxim D., Inese G., Marta M., Fürstová J., Kopcakova J., Pickett W.
After the bell: adolescents’ organised leisure-time activities and well-being in the context of social and socioeconomic inequalities.
Gába A., Rubín L., Baďura P., Roubalová E., Sigmund E., Kudláček M., Sigmundová D., Dygrýn J., Hamřík Z.
Results from the Czech Republic’s 2018 Report Card on physical activity for children and youth.
Journal of Physical Activity & Health.
Sigmund E., Baďura P., Sigmundová D., Voráčová J., Zacpal J., Kalman M., Pavelka J., Vokáčová J., Hobza V., Hamřík Z.
Trends and correlates of overweight/obesity in Czech adolescents in relation to family socioeconomic status over a 12-year study period (2002–2014).
BMC Public Health.
Voráčová J., Baďura P., Hamřík Z., Holubčíková J., Sigmund E.
Unhealthy eating habits and participation in organized leisure-time activities in Czech adolescents.
European Journal of Pediatrics.
Pavelka J., Sigmundová D., Hamřík Z., Kalman M., Sigmund E., Mathisen F.
Trends in active commuting to school among Czech schoolchildren from 2006 to 2014.
Central European Journal of Public Health.
Hamřík Z., Sigmundová D., Pavelka J., Kalman M., Sigmund E.
Trends in Overweight and Obesity in Czech Schoolchildren from 1998 to 2014.
Central European Journal of Public Health.
Hamřík Z., Bobáková D., Kalman M., Dankulincová Veselská Z., Klein D., Madarasová Gecková A.
Physical activity and screen-based activity in healthy development of school-aged children.
Central European Journal of Public Health.
Sigmundová D., Sigmund E., Hamřík Z., Kalman M., Pavelka J., Frömel K.
Sedentary behaviour and physical activity of randomised sample of czech adults aged 20–64 years: IPAQ and GPAQ studies between 2002 and 2011.
Central European Journal of Public Health.
Sigmund E., Sigmundová D., Baďura P., Kalman M., Hamřík Z., Pavelka J.
Temporal trends in overweight and obesity, physical activity and screen time among Czech adolescents from 2002 to 2014: A national Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Hamřík Z., Sigmundová D., Kalman M., Pavelka J., Sigmund E.
Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in Czech adults: Results from the GPAQ study.
European Journal of Sport Science.
Sigmundová D., Sigmund E., Hamřík Z., Kalman M.
Trends of overweight and obesity, physical activity and sedentary behaviour in Czech schoolchildren: HBSC study.
European Journal of Public Health.
Gába A., Rubín L., Baďura P., Materová E., Sigmund E., Sigmundová D., Dygrýn J., Kudláček M., Hamřík Z.
Results from the Czech Republic’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.
Gába A., Baďura P., Dygrýn J., Hamřík Z., Kudláček M., Rubín L., Sigmund E., Sigmundová D., Vašíčková J., Vorlíček M.
Národní zpráva o pohybové aktivitě českých dětí a mládeže 2022.
Gába A., Baďura P., Dygrýn J., Hamřík Z., Jakubec A., Kudláček M., Materová E., Rubín L., Sigmund E., Sigmundová D., Suchomel A.
Národní zpráva o o pohybové aktivitě českých dětí a mládeže.
Strain T., Flaxman S., Guthold R., Semenova E., Cowan M., Riley LM., Bull F., Stevens G., Frömel K., Hamřík Z., Sigmundová D.
National, regional, and global trends in insufficient physical activity among adults from 2000 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 507 population-based surveys with 5·7 million participants.
Lancet Global Health.
Brindley C., Hamřík Z., Kleszczewska D., Dzielska A., Mazur J., Haug E., Kopcakova J., Marques A., Altenburg T., Demetriou Y., Bucksch J.
Gender-specific social and environmental correlates of active travel to school in four European countries: the HBSC Study.
Frontiers in Public Health.
Svačina K., Hamřík Z., Hallingberg B., Baďura P.
I have to do it, but i like it: the sense of enjoyment and obligation in adolescents’ organized leisure-time activities.
Hallingberg B., Parker K., Eriksson Ch., Ng K., Hamřík Z., Kopcakova J., Movsesyan E., Melkumova M., Abdrakhmanova S., Baďura P.
Joint family activities and adolescent health and wellbeing: further considerations following the war in Ukraine.
Hobza V., Hamřík Z., Maráček M.
Organized sport activities of 11 to 15-year-old adolescents: Trends from 2010–2018 and socioeconomic context.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Kohoutek J., Maráček M., Ng K., Hamřík Z.
Test-retest reliability of selected HBSC items in Vietnam: well-being, physical and sedentary activities, and eating behaviours.
BMC Medical Research Methodology.
Janečková K., Hamřík Z., Matúšová M., Baďura P.
“I am going out!” – lifestyle sports and physical activity in adolescents.
Haugh E., Smith ORF., Bucksch J., Brindley C., Pavelka J., Hamřík Z., Inchley J., Roberts Ch., Mathisen FKS., Sigmundová D.
12-year trends in active school transport across four European countries – findings from the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Bucksch J., Kopcakova J., Inchley J., Troped P., Sudeck G., Sigmundová D., Nalecz H., Borraccino A., Salonna F., Veselska Z., Hamřík Z.
Associations between perceived social and physical environmental variables and physical activity and screen time among adolescents in four European countries.
International Journal of Public Health.
Gába A., Rubín L., Sigmund E., Baďura P., Dygrýn J., Kudláček M., Sigmundová D., Materová E., Hamřík Z., Jakubec A., Suchomel A.
Executive summary of the Czech Republic's 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.
Acta Gymnica.
Ng K., Baďura P., Dzielska A., Kokko S., Woods CB., Hamřík Z.
Test-retest reliability of survey items on ownership and use of physical activity trackers.
Acta Gymnica.
Sigmund E., Baďura P., Sigmundová D., Pavelka J., Voráčová J., Hobza V., Zacpal J., Hamřík Z., Půžová Z., Kalman M.
Trendy a koreláty obezity českých adolescentů ve vztahu k socioekonomickýmu statusu rodin mezi lety 2002-2018.
Prakticky Lekar.
Sigmundová D., Sigmund E., Tesler R., Ng KW., Hamřík Z., Mathisen FKS., Inchley J., Bucksch J.
Vigorous physical activity in relation to family affluence: time trends in Europe and North America.
International Journal of Public Health.
Hobza V., Hamřík Z., Jens B., Bart DC.
The family affluence scale as an indicator for socioeconomic status: Validation on regional income differences in the Czech Republic.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Sigmundová D., Sigmund E., Bucksch J., Baďura P., Kalman M., Hamřík Z.
Trends in screen time behaviours in Czech schoolchildren between 2002 and 2014: HBSC study.
Central European Journal of Public Health.
Bucksch J., Sigmundová D., Hamřík Z., Troped PJ., Melkevik O., Ahluwalia N., Borraccino A., Tynjälä J., Kalman M., Inchley J.
International trends in adolescent screen-time behaviors from 2002 to 2010.
Journal of Adolescent Health.
Brindová D., Veselská Z., Klein D., Hamřík Z., Sigmundová D., Dijk J., Reijneveld SA., Madarasová Gecková A.
Is the association between screen-based behaviour and health complaints among adolescents moderated by physical activity?
International Journal of Public Health.
Kalman M., Inchley J., Sigmundová D., Iannotti R., Hamřík Z., Haug E., Bucksch J.
Secular trends in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in 32 countries from 2002 to 2010: a cross-national perspective.
The European Journal of Public Health.
Bobáková D., Hamřík Z., Baďura P., Sigmundová D., Nalecz H., Kalman M.
Test-retest reliability of selected physical activity and sedentary behaviour HBSC items in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.
International Journal of Public Health.
Ješina O., Hamřík Z., Bartoňová R., Janečka Z., Kalman M., Kučera M., Panská S., Rybová L., Vyhlídal T.
Podpora aplikovaných pohybových aktivit v kontextu volného času.
Gába A., Rubín L., Baďura P., Materová E., Sigmund E., Sigmundová D., Dygrýn J., Kudláček M., Hamřík Z.
Results from the Czech Republic’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.
Abstract book for the ISBNPA 2019 Annual Meeting in Prague.
Ješina O., Madarasová-Gecková A., Kalman M., Kudláček M., Vyhlídal T., Janečka Z., Brindová D., Kučera M., Mikeška D., Wittmannová J., Baloun L., Grygarová V., Hamřík Z.
Innovative approach to monitoring the determinant affecting the lifestyle of children and youth with disabilities and long-term illness.
European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity.
Baďura P., Bobáková D., Hamřík Z., Sigmundová D., Kalman M.
Test-retest reliability of the questionnaire on physical activity and sedentary behaviour.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica.
Gába A., Baďura P., Vorlíček M., Dygrýn J., Hamřík Z., Kudláček M., Rubín L., Sigmund E., Sigmundová D., Vašíčková J.
The Czech Republic’s 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.
Baďura P., Kudláček M., Hamřík Z.
Classified as physically active using self-reported measures of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity: isn’t it unfair for athletes in organized sports?
Vyhlídal T., Janečka Z., Partyš M., Zajíček K., Paxa M., Mandová Vojnarová D., Buka M., Ješina O., Kudláček M., Hamřík Z., Vaca V., Kopecký K.
Už to také dokážu.
Už to také dokážu.
Hamřík Z., Hobza V., Hobza V., Dygrýn J.
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva – Koncepce statutárního města Olomouce v oblasti podpory sportu a pohybu na období 2018–2024.
Hamřík Z., Baďura P., Hollein T., Kalman M., Pavelka J., Sigmundová D.
Životní styl a zdraví dětí a školáků ve městě Chrudim.
Hamřík Z., Baďura P., Kalman M., Pavelka J., Sigmundová D., Vokáčová J.
Zpráva o životním stylu a zdraví dětí a školáků v Kopřivnici.
Hamřík Z., Baďura P., Hobza V., Kalman M., Pavelka J., Sigmundová D., Skoumal J.
Životní styl a zdraví dětí a školáků ve městě Litoměřice; Analýza financování municipálního sportu ve městě Litoměřice.
Uživatel nepovolil zobrazení dat v Portále UP.